Do you have really good ideas for maps? Are you too lazy to make them? Are you not very good at forging? Are you just wanting sombody to make maps with? If you can answer yes to two or more of these questions then you may need a forging buddy. Post here if you want help forging a map. Try to include: -a time of day including your time zone. -the type of map. "example: infection" -a brief description of your idea "not required: you may think somone could steal your idea" ======I HOPE YOU ALL CAN BE MATURE ENOGH TO NOT STEAL AN IDEA======= Feel free "if you are a staff member" to make this an actual forum and delete this post. Unless this is an actual forum already. I looked around and did not see one.
We had a similar thread a while ago but it died. Basically people posted ideas that they were unable or unwilling to make, in the hopes that other people could use the ideas. Check it out here. Sigh, my code is still not working.
I need an artistic buddy to help me with something. I will be on 4-6 US central time on weekdays for sure, although i am usually on more than that.
The title of this thread leads one to believe that it is something entirely different from that which it is... Which is not... what it seems to... blah.
I answered yes to great ideas and too lazy to make them... I already have many forging buddies... actually the last time I solo'ed a map was Training Ground and that was like the second day of the Heroic DLC...
I have an idea I was thinking about using but other ideas have taken over my mind. Therefore this idea is open for anyone who wants to use it. Heres my idea. So I was watching Spike TV the other day and the movie Moonraker was on. An idea came to me that this would be cool for a casual or aesthetic map. This would require someone who is good at aesthetics to make a space shuttle and possibly satilite dishes. Standoff would make a good atmosphere considering it has those giant satilite dishes. The game could either be desinged at a prelaunch station into outer space or in outer space. Gravity could be turned on to 200% to add the effect of being in space. I didn't expand much more than that. If anyone does not know the movie Moonraker, you can find the movie description here: Its a James Bond flick for those of you who don't know it but I though it might make a cool map/gametype. Remember this idea is open for the taking.
Well I do need help with my Outerspace map. Considering I need somebody to be connection host. I live in Chicago and that is some kinda time zone