Stratus Stratus is a symmetrical map inspired by the pit, the map has a simple design, with easy to pick up gameplay and geometry. The Map utilizes teleporters underneath the side bases to bring you to the top of the side bases. A tunnel through the center of the map makes easy access from base to base at the price of not have a height advantage. Stratus started out as a map solely based off of the trainings of The Pit, but evolved into what it is today. The map is still testing and still improving as we speak. Weapons: DMR : 2 Needle Rifle : 4 Magnum : 2 Sniper 2 Rockets : 1 Grenades : 4 Plasma Grenades : 4 Note : the map may have 2 snipers on it, and may be a small to medium sized map but the snipers play an important role in control of the map. Top Mid (Top Purple) Below both Green and Yellow, is a Teleporter that brings you to Top Yellow if you take the bottom Yellow teleporter, and likewise for Green.