
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by haruki jitsunin, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Download stranglehold (click here)
    Stranglehold is a 4-level symmetrical playing field designed for 4-10 players. It works well for slayer, team slayer, capture the flag, and oddball.

    Level pictures
    This is a picture of the base, both bases have the same layout. Up top, that is an area (mostly)safe from spawn killing.
    This shows the BR, and overshield along with a strategically-placed fusion coil... could it be used for defense, or offense? Play and see.
    This shows the area leading in/out of each base. This shows three(four if you look closely) different paths. From left to right, to the base, to the bottom level, from the third level. Also, one can see the decoration used to differentiate each base (overshield in the wall). The fourth path is from the top level, as shown in the next picture.
    Drop all the way down from the top level.
    This, and the next picture, are showing a view point from the stairs. This picture features the direct path to the bottom level along with the brute shot.
    This picture, taken from the stairs to the base, is of the grav lift to the top. You see that fence on the floor? You can shoot to the bottom level from there. Also, you can grenade over the bridge to the other side of the level...
    This is a picture of the bottom level. The left-most path is from the second level, the right most path with the teleporter leads to the top floor.
    This is of the top floor, you can see the rockets to the right of the picture... Also, apparently I forgot a picture, but the sword is on the other side of the wall behind the dumpster (if that makes sense).
    This shows the way down to the second level from the third level...
    That is the same dumpster from the last image, but this shows (to the right of the image) the way down from the top level... it's the area surrounded by the fence.

    I'm told I'm bad at including action shots (could only afford one due to forum limitations), so here is one...
    Does he live or die?

    For those of you who want an in-depth description:

    Stranglehold is a 4-level playing field that has great vertical looping. Every floor has about two acess points to almost every other level. There are two bases on either side of the map, one red base, the other blue. These bases are differentiated from eachother by the decorative (but not accessible) powerups on either side. Each base is equipped with an overshield, a BR and a Carbine. There is only one access point to each base (which is why the map is called stranglehold). Once you leave the base, there is an area where you can choose to go down to the bottom floor or up to the third floor. Located on this floor is a BR, two smgs and a brute shot. If you choose to go to the bottom floor, you drop into an open battle field. You can choose to drop right into the action, or take a more strategic approach and get a little distance between you and your opponent. There are two additional hallways that lead to teleporters which lead to the top floor. Located on this floor are two plasma pistols, two grav lifts and one power drain. If, instead, you choose to head to the third floor, (via mancannons) you can get back to your own base or go to your opponent's base. You can also choose to use any one of the four dumpsters to jump up to the top level. In the center of this level is a sword, however, in order to get it, one must jump directly down to the first floor in the middle of the battleground. Located on this level are two BRs and two plasma grenades. On the top level (which is more like scafolding to the third level) there is only one set of 4 rockets in the middle. From this top level, you can choose to drop to the third level or drop to your (or your opponent's) base.

    In oddball, the ball is located directly in the middle of the bottom floor battleground.

    In capture the flag, the flag and return point are at each base respectively. However, the overshield at each base is located directly over the flag, this can not only allow for a better one-man defense (if you're playing with only 4 people), but it also allows the flag carrier (if timing the spawn correctly) to have an easier escape without making it too easy.

    Weapon recap:
    Rocets- 3-minute spawn, 1 extra clip
    Sword- 2 1/2 minute spawn
    Overshield x2- 2-minute spawn
    Plasma grenade x2 -45 sec spawn
    BR x6 -30 sec spawn
    Carbine x2 -30 sec spawn
    Brute shot x2 -1 minute spawn
    plasma pistol x2 -30 sec spawn
    energy drain -1 minute spawn
    grav lift x2- 30 sec spawn
    Pair of smg x2 -30 sec spawn

    Please download and enjoy any feedback is appreciated. If you loved it, let me know, if you hated it, let me know what I can do better!
  2. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Looks really good. Love the interlocking.
  3. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Thanks, actually I tried to interlock where it needed to to flow smoothly or play better... I've been sittting on this map for quite a while. It was only my second map that incorporated interlocking (foxhole being my first), but I do think this is my best/most balanced map ever made...
  4. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yeah i agree and it must of been hard making four floors symetrical but i can see that it is worth it
  5. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Yeah, the hardest part was creating the top floor, really. I mean, I had another map that I made earlier that I loosely based the layout on, but I changed it beyond recognition. On the other map, I had teleporters that lead to the rockets (like in this level), but it was an area completely detached from the level... and it was just confusing teleporting back to the level. I really wanted to connect that area somehow, which is where the top floor came from.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    You had me at interlocking and a strategically placed fusion coil. I didn't read your description, because by the time I got to it I had already decided to download it.
  7. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Alright, well thank you for the download.

    Actually, about the fusion coil, I only have 6 total on the map and each one serves a purpose. They're not just there to make things explode. I placed two (because this is a symmetrical level) next to, from what I've found to be, a notorious oddball camping spot. I placed two to nerf the rockets and I placed two at either base to add for a stronger defense or a stronger offense... it's right at the base of the stairs because, well, everyone has to use the stairs to get to either base.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Haruki, this map looks very familiar. Was it based on an earlier version or someone else's map? Either way, it's an incredible improvement over the old version.

    The other version had dead ends and stuff, but this one appears to have a much better flow. And it uses the interlocked powerups to help distinguish one base from the other. The old version had some player orientation issues.

    The map layout is slightly confusing, so it'll be difficult for new players to pick it up and play. But with a game of Slayer under their belts, I bet a game of Multi-Flag CTF would be intense and exciting. I'm gonna keep this on my hard drive until I can at least play a CTF game here.
  9. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Yeah, actually I had a previous map constriction that this is a spiritual successor of. I mean, I didn't release it as a v3 of constriction for 2 main reasons.
    1. Constriction was much different than this map. Sure, there were similar areas and a similar feel to the level, but there are more differences than similarities.
    2. No one downloads a second or, especially, third version.

    I'd love to hear what you think of CTF on it. Instead of using respawn areas, as you may have noticed, I just set each respawn (or most) to attacker or defender only. I found that when I set respawn areas, no one respawned within them due to the enemy being too close or a dead body being too close. It's hard to keep respawn areas accurate in small levels.
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This map looks ideal for close quarters matches, have you ever tried SWAT on this, cause this seems like it could work. The only negative to closed off intetior maps like this is it is hard to get a good feel for the map just form the screens.
  11. Dank Skills

    Dank Skills Ancient
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    I gotta give you props for this map man. I cant even begin to understand how people do these multi-level maps. Yours looks like one of the better ones ive seen though.
  12. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    @brute captain Yeah, I had that problem quite a bit. I usually have enclosed maps, so screenshots are always a ***** for me to take.

    @dank skills Multi-level maps take a bit of planning because, unlike single level maps, one has to think about vertical flow and acessibility. That's one thing my first "version" of this map (constriction) suffered from. There was only one way to the top and the rockets were completely detached from the level... it didn't work too well...
  13. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    when you are on the 4th floor can you jump all the way up, or does it do the thing where you hang in the air?

    the layout looks supreme, and the interlocking and merging make it aesthetically pleasing and better to play on.

    Weapon set seems ok, but I would like to play around on it to test. you might switch the sword for a shotty, because its a little less overpowering from high ground due to the fact you cant lunge. and there is the added bonus that you can change how many clips come with it.

    4.5/5 - almost an epic win

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