Straight walls DLC Map Packs only To make straighter walls, try using double boxes as guidelines, For example if you wanted a 4-wall-high wall, just put 4 boxes generally on top of each other, generally rotate the walls to be against the long walls of the boxes, and put them on (1 at a time of course) This will make forge maps neater.
Thank you, but this is well known among our community. Regardless, I appreciate your contribution. --dc
I usually make a brace for the ground floor stuff. ------------ ----- ------------ (like that ^) After the ground floor I put the flat side of a double box against what's already there, and it's perfectly straight because opf the bracing, which you can delete. Then I put the wall/box into the kind of sleeve that is left from the vertical double boxes.
I used this method for the map in my signature, yet everyone says it sucks SOLELY because I didn't interlock, which is really, really, REALLY stupid.
Dumpsters pressed tight against the door ways in foundry make it real easy to get the doors in there perfectly flush with the walls.