Before I start please post who you thought the killer was at the beginning, a quarter of the way through, half the way through, 3 quarters of the way through, and at the end. This will help me determine how hard I should make it to figure out who the killer is in later stories, Thankyou and goodbye. __________________________________________________________________ Trophy House She saw a small object pass her eyes. She saw no more. She fell to the ground with an imprint on her forehead. She could not scream, she could not talk, she could not hear, nor could she see. She was dead. Detective Sam Amsowe was just arriving at the mansion. Well, not really much of a mansion. More of a Trophy House and it is quite ironic that the mansion belonged to a famous Baseball player who had in fact many trophies within the house. It had been 5 pm when the detective was called in. He had been finishing some business with one of his co-workers just before he arrived on scene. It was Lucky for him that the house was only a mere block away from the police station. It was 5:10 now. The suspects were still in the house, best he thought not to let them know about the murder and find the anonymous caller. He walked up the fancy driveway now. He had rung the doorbell and within seconds a man opened the door. “Hello, my name is Sam.” said the detective. “Are you here for the party searching for the treasure the owner has left us to find?” said the man. “Yes. Now would you please let me in?” “Yeah, sorry for the hold up. My name’s Aaron by the way.” “No problem” Sam said walking in through the door. Aaron quickly locked the door and continued back to the party. Sam was now looking for the anonymous caller, he assumed it would be the person looking the most nervous and would be the social outcast of the party. Sam quickly found his first suspect. He had a small build, maybe he was a runner. He didn’t seem to be too muscular or tall. Sam estimated his height at about 5’ 9”. He slowly approached him incase he was the killer. “Hello” Sam said deciding not to tell the man he was the detective at the party. For all the man knew Aaron could be the detective or even the other smaller man at the party. “Hello, my name is Jim” “Hello Jim. My name is Sam” the detective said remembering he had only told the caller his last name. They talked for a while and then Sam moved on deciding this was his caller. He quickly edged out of the conversation and proceeded to profile the other guests. Everybody had a great time at the party. Everyone was acting as if all was good except for Jim who by now Sam knew was the anonymous caller. Everyone was asleep by 11, Sam took this time to go look at the crime scene. Where did Jim say the body was? He thought to himself. Oh yeah, the body’s on the Third floor. He said remembering the room that Jim described was on the first floor. He quietly snuck up 3 flights of stairs. He entered the furthest room on his right. He quickly jotted down some notes. After that he quickly took 2 or 3 pictures from all angles so later he could go over what he had written down. Then he hid the body so the guests wouldn’t be alarmed. He went back to the second floor, where the rooms were located. “AHHHH! What happened!?!?!” a woman at the party screamed. Everyone got out of bed and ran towards the scene. “What the...” started Aaron. “She was murdered!” shouted the woman angrily. “Obviously, but that’s not what I meant.” Retorted Aaron. Jim walked into the room. “Woah! What happened to Laura?” “She was murdered… There’s a killer among us…” Angela spoke in a soft voice. “Okay, let’s try to make some sense out of this. We need to see what the killer did to the body and how Laura was killed” started Sam. He realized that he just revealed himself as the detective to Jim. “I’m going to call 9-1-1”started Angela but the lights in the house when out. A loud shriek was heard and the lights came back on. “Oh my god!” screamed Angela. Jim was dead. A knife was lodged in the back of his neck. He was lying face down in his own blood, quiet and numb. “Okay, lets head back to my room and look at the facts” Sam started. “The only people still alive are you, Aaron, and me. We need to figure out who isn’t here I could of sworn there another person was at the party” “Yeah, Kathy was here.” Said Aaron in a questioning voice. “Do you think she could of did it?” asked Angela. “Maybe, we don’t know yet. She could already be dead.” They started back to Sam’s room. On they went over a few things, Laura was killed with a bullet and Jim was killed with a knife. “Hey look at this…” Aaron started. He pulled a book off a book shelf to reveal a rigged gun set shoot at exactly the time Laura happened to be walking by. “Your right, but who here would have a gun?” “Kathy could have had one, she works for the police. She also recently got a large amount of money from a law case. She could have rented this house and is using it to kill us to frame the owner.” “That’s right! The owner of this house used to see Kathy too. If I remember correctly he broke the relationship a while back. She could be using this for revenge.” They finally made it to Sam’s room. They walked in and sat down. There was something missing in the room but Aaron couldn't figure out what it is. The room was very organized, like it hadn't been slept in yet. "Okay, so whos the killer?" started Sam. "I thought we said it was Kathy. Didn't we?" said Angela. "Your right! That means...." His voice was cut off when a knife plunged into his chest. Angela started screaming. She broke into a sprint and bolted out of the room. He was closely behind her. She remembered the gun. She ran towards the bookshelf on which it was placed. She grabbed the gun. "No! It was almost perfe----" his voice was cut off by a gun shot. She found the switch he had used to turn off the lights and the phone service. She flipped it on. She called 9-1-1. "Hello, this is Angela Helsber. I am trapped in a mansion at 16544 Blue Street. There was a murderer in the house. I think I am the only survivor. Please come as fast as you can." "On our way" started the operator. "I'll stay on the phone with you while they are on there way." "Okay." Within minutes the police was at the mansion. As soon as they opened the door Angela realized something was wrong. The mansion suddenly burst into flames, there was a trigger-press mine on the doorstep. As soon as the police man stepped off of it it was over. ________________________________________________________________ Now I know that there are some small grammatical and spelling errors but bear with me for now. Like I said please give feedback, also put the supposed killer in spoiler code.
I don't mean to be rude, but that was really, really badly written. You might find it to be a good investment to take some sort of writing class.
When not trying to be rude, the appreciated convention is to offer at least some vague feedback and opinions on why you disliked it, as opposed to putting him down without any input on how to move forward other than writing classes. C'mon Nemi, this ain't you.
Nope. But this is me; It sucked balls. I'll admit that you actually had some grammar. Some. I mean right at the beginning. "She saw a small object pass her eyes." Did the killer take out her eyes, and pass them around? Is that how she didn't see anymore? Is that why she's on the ground, maybe writhing in pain? Oh wait. It says she could not hear, she could not talk, she could not scream. Did the kill pass her mouth and ears too? Is this some kinds of black market facial feature replacement? "Psst, hey buddy. Want some new lips?" Let's not forget that if she couldn't SCREAM, I don't think she could talk. So why do we have to say that twice. Now she fell to the ground with a SMALL imprint on her forehead? Was she hit with a tiny hammer? Or was she getting **** slapped too hard? Wait, this is just the FIRST paragraph. It gets better. "Detective Sam Amsowe was just arriving at the mansion. Well, not really much of a mansion. More of a Trophy House and it is quite ironic that the mansion belonged to a famous Baseball player who had in fact many trophies within the house." Amsowe? AMSOWE? Did you really just take the word Awesome, remove an e, and mix it around? "I've solved the case!" I should say. Putting that aside, he arrives at a mansion. Wait... WAAAAAIT. Oh, it's actually a trophy house. But you stated it was a mansion after that? So is it Trophy house, or a Mansion. WAIT. It's a trophy MANSION. If you're narrating the story, don't state something, and then take it back and call it something else. Characters can do that because they're full of flaws, and it builds character. However, I don't think the narrator of this story is playing a part, is he? We're not building HIS character, I'm sure. Otherwise people will just get jumbled up in what the narrator is trying to say/not say/take back/say again. Kay. The trophy/mansion belongs to a famous baseball player. Who has many trophy within the house. Well let's see. A trophy house would usually have a lot of trophies. I don't know why we had to state the obvious, but we did. Who knows, maybe it's just some uber rich guy who just now is only wanting to begin his collection, but only has one trophy. Wait, waaaaaait. It's a FAMOUS BASEBALL PLAYA. So obviously, he would have a LOT of trophies in his house. Let's just say it anyway. When the facts are the opposite of the obvious, then you have the right to state what it has. “Hello, my name is Sam.” said the detective. “Are you here for the party searching for the treasure the owner has left us to find?” said the man. “Yes. Now would you please let me in?” “Yeah, sorry for the hold up. My name’s Aaron by the way.” “No problem” Sam said walking in through the door. Really? That has got to be the dumbest converstation I've ever seen. "Hello, my name is Sam." Now he sounds like a weeny polite guy trying to avoid getting bullied (Or **** slapped on the forehead) by all the big kids. Now the man he talks to is even worse. It sounds like he trying to be Captain Obvious here. Here are my problems with this statement. It's way too long for ANYONE to say. He's saying something that most people are expected to know. "For the treasure the owner has left us to find." Usually, when someone does that, they put up a notice. Usually right outside the house saying, well I don't know; "Treasure Hunt!" And almost everyone who wants to do this would know. And the only reason people would show up to the house is the people interested in the hunt. Even if they weren't interested, and even if he didn't know, he would say something along the lines of; "I'm looking for ___", or "Is mister FAMOUS baseball man here today? I heard he has a lot of trophies in his trophy/mansion." etc. I don't think I want to begin on the rest. So I'm going to give you a more common conversation that sounds natural. This, in my opinion, is a great story. I interest myself. (Frag Man, you egotistical bastard you ;D) I'm not going to finish reviewing the rest. I wouldn't want to create a mock-up of Pegasi's 6" pe- I mean book-worth of an update.