STORMSHIELD Hey, I've not got a lot of experience making maps but I put a lot of effort into this one and I'd really appreciate some feedback from you guys. It's a 4v4 slayer/objective map but it also has spawns for FFA, multi-team and infection. I am quite proud of it, and have put over 20 hours in making it. You guys are the best at forging so I was wanting feedback from the best I would love it if any of you took the time to download the map and have a quick look around and tell me what you think. Thanks for your time Blue side platform, concussion rifle every 2:30 Top mid, sniper every 3:00. Needle tower, needler every 0:30. Blue sniper nest, focus rifle every 3:00 Looking out of red building, teleporter to high roof, beneath is gredade launcher every 2:00. Unfortunately, my xbox is broken at the moment so I am unable to remember all the weapon spawns and can take no more pictures. I hope you like it.
Looks good, I have yet to download it, but so far by looking at it, I think there are too many rocks, but not bad.
All the rocks on the ceiling are just for decoration, but if you think they clutter things up then I would remove them. I agree though, I could easily take 2 or 4 rocks away from the bottom section. It seems i will get my xbox back today, so i will later update the thread with a few more pictures and a comprehensive list of all weapons. Thanks for your input