STORMBALL "It's hailing plasmas!" "can you see all the 4 LIVE players?" (3 have camo 1 is yellow) and not the dead body.... <DOWNLOAD STORMBALL GAMETYPE> <DOWNLOAD TEMPEST COURT> Inspiration: I basically really wanted to use this part of the map to make a minigame. And well this is what i came up with. The only inspiration was the map and I think I used it well. Description: STORMBALL is Chaos. There is no strategy there are no tactics. You must retrieve the Stormball from the bottom of the level and get it to one of the two detonation areas at the top of the map (3rd floor) designated with yellow power ups (which do nothing). The players have Infinite snipers, have poor camo, 75% gravity, 3x overshield with 50% recharge, 50% leech &forced color to white. The Stormball Carrier Is bright yelloe has no oversheild and is quite weak so he should make haste in scoring the bomb. There are regenerators on the purple floor (2nd) and on the yellow floor (3rd). Did i mention that it rains plasma grenades. I call this level Tempest Court because it seems at times during gameplay you really feel like you are in some sort of crazy multi-colored hurricane. MORE DETAILS: this is an assault gametype there is 1 bomb and your goal is to bring it to the 3rd and last floor where u score it against the yellow powerups. Best is 2on2 or 3on3 and more and its more chaotic. Its a cross between grifball and climbing, some jumps are harder than others but stopping the stormball carrier is even harder inside this tempest.... Information: Pictures: Orangeremi bashing my skull with the stormball. Stormball may be madness and hard to know where u are.... but u can still get headshots and isn't that what really matters.... A failed attempt at stopping Cosmic Rick from scoring. A successfull attempt at stopping Cosmic Rick from scoring. <DOWNLOAD STORMBALL GAMETYPE> <DOWNLOAD TEMPEST COURT>
I don't think I quite get it... Is there 2 teams or just 1 and do you get points by kill and planting the bomb. But other than me being confused it looks fun, maybe I could play with you (maybe 'll get how to play after). EDIT: Thanks for clearing that up for me
Vicious Vice I dub the Knight.Is thou ready for a new quest?If the is ready send me a personal message.
i dont know how much i would like playing this map. i mean it looks good, but the gametype just might not play well with me... i dont know... i guess i give it a 3/5 just because i dont really like the gametype, but the map is nice.
again you make another great ball game will you stop it theses are so good no others can measure up to it
Alright buckO ..why didnt you invite me to the Testing of this? I mean I watched you built it... BUT Not a single hour of testing... ! Now I have to DL it and find people to play with me... SO MUCH FREaken work...but ..your map looks great and creative
This looks interesting, but can make the description a little more detailed? It's hard to tell exactly what it's supposed to be.
Its like a climbing griffball with snipers from what I see looks like a nice assault minigame especialy since its on cold storage.
Ive added a more details section please tell me if this has helped you understand the gametype better
Yes, it sounds interesting now, I've got it queued to download. I just need to make sure I get Cold Storage before I put Halo in so it doesn't fail to download.
This is very fun and hectic I test this with Vice one day. I noscoped Double Dev and Lights at the begin and the next round I had a falling noscope on Lights. but most of the Time I was killing Vice =P. The team killing is off now so dont worry any one. This was the most fun I have had in a while on Halo. Chalk up another EPIC! WIN! for Vice.
Looks cool. I have no room cos custom item has a crappy 100 item limit. I like it anyway though, good revive.
What are you talking about!? Gravediggers post was from 2 days ago and Vicious already updated the original post. You could of at least gave a comment about the map. Ok, with that out of the way I must say that this is the best map to use the "freezer hall" in Cold Storage. This looks like a very fun and chaotic game. 5/5 and a DL from me! Btw, why didnt we play this on Fridays TGIF? 6v6=Chaos!