Storm the Base The best D-day experience available, expanded to include all of Last Resort. Originally by Trickstyr, revised by Jsten419. This map was created for the Pre-DLC contest. This round one challenge was to create the best map on Last Resort for the gametype Team Slayer. Note: I apologize for the severe shortage of pictures, my connection was acting up and as a result only three of the nine photos I took have made it to my screen shot file on Also, the gametype did not transfer into my fileshare and the map that got into my fileshare has the wrong description. Onto the map! It is the classic Storm the Beach we all know and love, except because I was not allowed to use Territories in the contest, this new map focuses on slayer, although the recommended gametype is Storm the Beach. Several key features from the first map are tweaked in this new version, among them. 1. The defenders armoury has been reduced to only a few weapons, grenades and no equipment. However, more weapons are strategically placed about the map. No longer limiting the defenders to the tiny room where they spawned originally. 2. Spawn system and bases are revamped. At 60 seconds the attackers receive two LAAG Warthogs. At 150 seconds the defenders are cut off from the beach, stranding those left defending on the wall while opening up the back routes into the rest of the map for further carnage. At 180 seconds the defenders establish a beach head, two mongeese, a Guass Warthog and a Scorpion Main Battle Tank. 3. The new spawn system de-linearizes the entire map after 180 seconds. Once the barriers go up and the defenders lose the wall, it becomes a push into the mainland to attack the actual defender's base. At the three minute mark the gateway to the beach becomes a key chokepoint, if the defenders can hold the attackers back here, it will be all over for those pesky beach dwellers. If the attackers break through however, it becomes a slaughter. 4. Fusion Coil artillery is reduced by one third, resulting in a more stable beach. Games on this map tend to stay very focused on the beach for exactly three minutes, when the attackers completely capture it. Then the focal point does in fact become the gateway arch, of which the top level becomes unnaccessable. Here we see the defenders two turrets opening up on the beach. The third turret was removed and placed further inland to help control the choke point. And the fourth, which was unused on Storm the Beach, is in it's normal spawn on Last Resort. Here we see the third turret, placed at Camp Froman to help control the infantry that try to storm through the gateway overly eager to kill some defenders. It is noted that with clever jumping the attackers can jump over the wall from the beach side, but the defenders only have one way to get to the beach after three minutes, cutting down on spawn camping. In what is unfortunately my last screenshot that I can post with the map tonight, we see three defenders spawning. It is good to note that now instead of spawning in one part of the armoury and having only one entrypoint to the beach, the defenders now spawn on both sides of the wall. Where there is a Spartan Laser on Last Resort is now a Rocket Launcher, two power drains spawn within the defenders area along with Spike grenades to stifle vehicles. The defenders have one Gauss Hog and one Mongoose in the actual defender building. Along with two BRs and a Beam Rifle in the corner of the map on the catwalks. I wish I had more pictures for you all, and I might, sometime this week... But it will help you relive the fun of popping into a new map without knowing every trick, then slowlying finding them again. What I hoped to achieve with this map was getting people to relive what was easily the greatest map ever forged before the dawn of Foundry and it's oppresive opaque colour scheme. No offense Foundry, I still love you. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The map plays just like the ol' Storm the Beach of yester-month, only with new twists, some fabulous spawn work and an inventive, dynamic base system. Enjoy, and thanks for your time. And Trickmyster, if you ever see this thread, wherever you are, thank you for the original, epic and untouchable Storm the Beach
I like your idea, I always thought storm the beach was too limited. I would love to see more pics causer the map sounds awesome.
The new skin is not allowing me to edit post and insert the link to the map, I am so sorry for this, but the link is here now. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I hope you all with ignore the Double Post I made just now. EDIT, you may disregard this post, it was a problem with Netscape. Using internet explorer now.
Ok, I normally do not like these at all, but I believe that this map could have some potential. Just the fact that you have delayed objects compels me. My only concern is that it is never possible to hold a party in one of these maps. I would happily play though. EDIT: Sorry I didn't know this was for a Last Resort Competition. For Last resort. I think this is the best thing you could've done. Keep Forging! you obviously have potential.
Its good to see that some people haven't forgotten about me, anyways the map looks good I really like that you can extend past the wall.