Please do not flame me and instead give me some suggestions because this is my first map that I actually used overlapping and I know that I need to work on it more. This map is similar to High Ground in the respect that there is only one base and the attackers heed to storm it. It has a floating playform with a Spartan Laser in it. It is a very good sniping angle as well. Its drawback is that there are fusion coils on it. So if someone were to throw a grenade in there, you would blow up. The wall is impervious to all fire so I have given the attackers an armory with a rocket launcher and fuel rod guns to barage the area so they do not need to ruch into the base with all the campers. You may download this map here Weapons: Shotgun(Both) Battle Rifle(Both) Sniper Rifle(Both) Spartan Laser(Both) Rocket Launcher(ATKERS) Fuel Rod Gun(ATKERS) Spiker(Defenders: 2 & ATKERS: 1) Needler(ATKERS) Brute Shot(ATKERS) Vehicles: 4 Warthogs(3 normal & 1 gauss) 4 mongeese 1 wraith Compatibility: All Gametypes Recommended: Team Slayer Slayer Infection 1 Flag CTF 1 Bomb Assault VIP Juggernaut
I think you need more pictures showing off the out side of the base area. Is there cover? Where do the attackers spawn? Is there any weapons? Is there any vehicles? A weapons list would also be nice.
well since you wanted some suggestions i say mabey fix up the right side of the base becacuse the wall that had to be bent doesnt look that good other that that good job (hey finally someone who read how to post your maps!)
Nice looking map, but I'd try putting in a map description, or a fun backstory. I like how you merged, and your base looks cool. It's hard to tell if the attackers have fortifications, so try uploading some more images. Good job =).
Yes, I will. I am in the process of taking pictures but I just put those pictures on to get this topic up and running
Alright, I see how you got a weapons list. Nice. When you say Shotgun, do you mean one, or how many? You might want to arrange your weapons per side, and list how many of each weapon.
Yeah, I was going to suggest raising the walls, because people will always grenade jump. Thanks for reminding me =).
i dont really like this map i think that it is not very well made i have seen better ones also would you play be able to play infection and odd ball cause i think they would be good
Oh. that's cool, I didn't see the gravity lifts. Judging by your pics, It looks pretty fun, but I think the attackers need a lot more cover. There will always be those defenders who decide they're bored and want to go spawn camping, so you should put some more objects there to prevent that.
I'd add some cover to the attackers advantage, and a stealthy player could grenade jump in a corner on the wall and get behind defenses. I also think giving the attacker a sniper rifle and a fuel rod is a good idea. Like the gravity lift, 3/5.
looks okay. well forged. looks like a good asymetrical game but theres not too much cover and not enough detail. 3/5