Author: Matty Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, KotH, Oddball Recommended Players: 2-6 Time Taken To Complete: 5 Hours Download Weapons And Equipment Battle Rifle x2 Covenant Carbine x2 Plasma Rifle x2 SMG x2 Magnum x2 Plasma Grenade x2 Frag Grenade x2 Flamethrower x1 Regenerator x1 Power Drain x1 Recommended Gametype -KotH -Br Start -No grenade start -3 second respawn Description Ok, this is my 8th released map. Like Crossfire, this map was done in a really small space of time, so its pretty simple. It took around 5 hours from start to finish. We played some test games on a variety of gametypes, and i think KotH has to be the most rewarding. When i made this i tried to make something that was simple in shape, but allowed for some complex geometry. Moreover, i wanted something that would allow for me to add some kick-ass touches, like the doors, scenery, lights and the cool teleporter things i have placed on the walls. Overall i am very pleased with the outcome of this map. I am very proud of some of the aesthetic touches, which i plan to use in future maps. I am also proud with how tidy all of the interlocking went, and im also very happy that i used a money glitched canvas and it didnt mess up. Map Shape The map is basicly, a large 's' shape. There is a base at each side. Please dont reply saying that you cannot get the feel of the map from the images. It is incredibly difficult to get an accurate screenshot that shows the map geometry and also keeps the image interesting. I am farely confident i have found a balance between both. If you still dont think you can get a feel for the map, then download it and see for yourself, you are only 2 clicks away.
Thanks, now that i have become confident enough in my abilities to use money glitched maps, you will be finding alot more aesthetics in my maps. I will be having a go at a much more complex version of this map tommorow, while trying to maintain the same style. Also i will probably be posting a lot more maps than before, seen as this new forum has seemed to lose all of my old maps, leaving me with this and Crossfire.. Sad Face.
What i think I think that this looks like a preety good map i like the look of it, its very pleasing to the eye. I like that you have included a truck to add cover i think that a few more screenshots could really help. I will have to check this out a bit more, when i can.
Looks, good I will have to download when I can. My queue list is tull at the moment. Actually all of your maps are there. In fact there are 51 pages of competetive maps. In order to change your settings click user CP, Click Edit Options, then scroll through those optins till you hit something about the age of threads, then set it to like two weeks.
Wheres all the pictures of me? I thought that I was like your official map tester. Kidding aside, this map was fun to play on. We played 2 games oddball with four people, and I won both times. I see that you added the open boxes on the wall that you can spawn in. Those should be fairly helpful with the spawn problems we were having in the 'beta' version. Aesthetically, it is great, and it plays well too.
The default settings are currently messed up. Everytime i refresh it takes me to all of todays maps in alphabetical order.. Im getting around it now, and putting all of the maps back in my sig.
this map looks pretty good, *already queued. Looks like its gunna be one of the best maps released this week
This was very fun when we played oddball on it. I liked having shock on my team too :~|. I love all the detail you put in this map, i just iwhs the spawns were fixed.
They were. Me and Shock went over it and made some extra areas to spawn in and deleted the ones that we always spawned in for previous games. We played some 2v2's afterwards and there wasnt a single moment of spawn camping.
Looks pretty cool and the gang. You seem to be like me (at least recently) in that you're making smaller maps that are totally enclosed ... i think they're harder to make in a way as they have to be more concentrated than a larger map ... so you have to distill your ideas more. i'll download and have a spy *thumbs up*
I cannot get a feel for the map from the screenshots. You could always mspaint a layout or something. I'm going to be honest, from what I can tell... it's nothing brilliant. I'm thinking quality not quantity. In my mind, these small competitive maps are dissolving your "brilliant forger" reputation. Sure they are very neat and precise, but they are repetitive and not really experimental or progressive. I hate to sound preachy, but I think you should take on a more risky and elaborate design and stick with it. Since the 1v1 tourney theres been plenty of maps of this nature, I know I'm slightly hypocritical since my maps are pretty small but I try my best to stray from the norm.
Thanks for posting your honest opinion. I am well aware that i havnt posted a map that has took a great deal of effort since the Curvature and Aeron days. This is merely because my mind is distracted elsewhere. With holidays, exams, and other games. I am merely trying to keep myself interested in forge, so that i do not degrade my skills. Please appreciate that in each of the maps i produce, i do try alot of new things, alot of which are not done on other maps. I am slowly but surely building up my skills, so that when the time comes when i release a more well thought up map, it will be of the highest standard.
Ok thats good, i personally liked it playing on oddball. I also hsve another question. how can you release high quality maps so fast?
Slightly off topic, it appears someone has given this thread one star. I expect this at but I hoped people here weren't such morons.
Shock, 2 posts in a row. On my maps?! Are you ok? Joke. Well this map may not be opitome of forging skill, but its stylish, tidy, and very fun to play with 2 people. Iether way i got exactly what i wanted. Up to the players if it fits thier prefarence.
I was here when you were making this, and I was really impressed, my connection got cut off when we were getting ready to test so I'll have to check it out next time I'm online...