Map Title: StoneTower Remake of IvoryTower Download Map Description: This is my attempt to recreate the very popular Halo 2 map, Ivory Tower. This map follows the basic setup and structure of Ivory Tower. Due to the limitations of Forge, and the fact that I made this before the Money Glitch had been discovered. The map isn’t GREAT. I didn’t use any interlocking techniques. If I could have I would have. My Xbox360 is broken, due to the RRoD (Red Ring of Death). I have really wanted to post another map, but couldn’t, due to lack of pictures. This is my only map I am willing to post without pictures. It is pretty fun, but at best a 75% remake of Ivory Tower. You know what Ivory Tower looks like. Just to not bore you, I have included some older pretty pictures, including my oldest signature. 4vs4(very fun) - 8vs8(insane) Left of Rockets (Overshield) [img width=500 height=281][/img] Centered (Rockets, Sniper Tower) [img width=500 height=281][/img] Right of Rockets (Shotgun Spawn) [img width=500 height=281][/img] Thanks to El Leone for the PICS!!! Download Map
I really don't understand how this is a "disgrace". It is unfortunate that my Xbox360 has had a meltdown, but that doesn't take away from the quality of the map. Honestly I included the random pictures so that people like you, would not complain. I guess I failed in that endeavor. RRoD
Although I agree that every map post needs to have pictures, albyhouse, he has explained why he can't take pictures. Next time, you should actually read eight lines into the post. Colonel Chewy, if you can't take any pictures, wait until you get some until you post your map. I'm sure it's great and all, but while that's the only thing you're missing, unfortunately, it's the most noticeable.
But I can't wait 3 weeks, this is so frustrating. I have so many great maps available on my FileShare hyperlinked to my signature. I wish I could post every map with beautiful pictures today. It is obvious that god hate's me.
THat would be great!!! If anyone is willing to take a picture of my map and post it on this forum. I will give you my cheese. Don't steal my cheese. :squirrel_rubberduck:
oh you can wait, trust me, you can wait. if i had to wait a month before posting any maps then 3 weeks should be a breeze. just keep checking out others' work (some are quite inspiring as a forger) so youre ready to rock n roll when you get back up and running
"its obvious god hates me" I can understand why! No I'm kidding but I'm going to wait for goreboinds reveiwto dizownload it because he gives really good reveiws Acually I might even dizownload it now just because I love ivory tower with a dying passion
No you're not, you're only doing it for the cheese... Well you better back off! That cheese was promised to me!
The cheese will be rewarded to whomever posts the pics first. I would prefer that you use photobucket, then send me the html of each picture. This way I can embed the pics into my Post. Thanks for helping out a fellow Forgerian. Don't steal my cheese. :squirrel_rubberduck:
Here are the links you can put into your post. Didn't use my photobucket account sorry, uses my bandwidth up but imageshack should be up for the job just fine! My thoughts on the map: Pretty good effort, I was impressed how you managed to recreate Ivory Tower in such a small place. However, there is room for improvement. Your post in the bungie thread says that you ran out of cash, and luckily for you, there is a glitch that fixes it! It's on this very website, so check it out. Although I don't think you map completely requires it, I think visually it would help a decent amount if you used interlocking. It would also help people escaping from the map, because there are a few easy spots where you could just walk out easily. Spawn points seem decent. However, they need to specialized for each gametype, defining attacking and defending for example. Sorry about the xbox < : (
Thank YOU El Leone!! I have taken the liberty of uploading those pics to my Photobucket account, so you may delete them from your account if you wish. This is very helpful, you are a great American. I reward El Leone the cheese! :squirrel_rubberduck: Congratulations!! I have more cheese... :squirrel_rubberduck:
You know, I've been waiting to see what the map actually looks like for a while now. And when i saw what you made, I was sad to see that all the suspense that built up was destroyed and raped by what looks to be a sorry remake of a beloved classic. I couldn't agree more with El Leone with the map's flaws. The unlimited money glitch will SERIOUSLY help you out in this particular map. Overall, I think that it was a great try at a remake of it and you got great potential but just not the skill to do with it. I didn't want to be rude and I am trying my hardest, just don't take it personally.
Back in the day, you know when Halo 2 still was the best thing since sliced bread, one of my favorite maps was Ivory Tower. When I saw that you had made a remake of it I got excited, maybe I even wet myself a little bit. But now that I’ve had the opportunity of checking it out in Forge I’m sorry to say that I’m unsatisfied. You’ve done a good job in recreating the essence of Ivory Tower in such a confined place as Foundry but that’s not enough, attention to detail needs to meet dedication. This is where you fail to convince me. Aesthetic / Functionality I’m actually able to navigate myself around the map based upon my previous knowledge of the map that this is a remake of, Ivory Tower. So you’ve done a good job in nailing the essentials down. Unfortunately the only thing you’ve done well is forging the map in a way that makes it tolerably true to the original. Those who have read my reviews before probably know that I’m extremely OCD about things that aren’t aligned, crooked walls, gaps etc. That’s why I strongly advise forgers in general to make use if the Interlocking technique as often as possible. Do you know what technique I’m talking about? Forging 101: Interlocking It’s up for debate whether you need to make maps that look good or not as long as they are fun to play on. But I’m of the opinion that when you forge a map you really should take the time to perfect it as much as possible before you release it to the public. It’s all in the eye of the beholder but I instantly get turned off by a map that is messy / looks cluttered / looks unfinished / looks rushed etc. You could aid a lot of these annoyances by simply putting down the necessary time that it takes to create a balanced map. For instance you should lower all the walls so that there aren’t any “bumps” when you want to walk from one piece of scenery to another. These “bumps” prevent you from traveling across from one surface to another without jumping. Do you know that there actually are places on the map where you can fall down into hole not being able to get back up? (For instance, right next to the stairs that lead you up to the Over shield) Spawning I don’t know if you have based these spawns on the original ones from Ivory Tower or if you placed them entirely on your own, but I think that for the most part you’ve actually done a good job. While most of the spawns look good there are quite a few that don’t. Always remember that a newly spawned player wants to know exactly where he / she is and where they could / should go. To prevent confusion for the players you always should walk up to each and every spawn point and look in the direction that they are facing. If a spawn point makes a newly spawned player face a wall that could be a source for confusion and you probably should move that spawn point to another location. And also remember not to place spawn points right next to hazardous objects like fusion coils. Weapons / Equipment Since this is a remake of the classic Ivory Tower there isn’t much that I can say about except that you’ve done a good job in placing the right weapons on the correct places. Good work. If you’ve run out of money and by that being prevented from finishing the map as you originally intended to then you should check out another one of ForgeHubs tutorials, Forging 101: Unlimited Budget Glitch. Hope you take this as constructive criticism because my intention with this surely isn’t to flame your creation but to help you excel as a forger. Good work and Happy forging! Peace // gorebound
I will take this as constructive criticism. I will never post an unfinished map again, I admit this wasn't my best work. Notice in my description I stated that this was the only map I was willing to submit without pictures. Aside from the immense flaming that I have received and do deserve, I have a few points to make. 1. I will remake this map with the money glitch. 2. I will utilize the interlocking technique. 3. I will not resubmit until it is perfected. 4. I did draw influence from the spawn points on the Halo 2 version of Ivory Tower. 5. Gorebound you still haven't rated my better map, T.I.T.A.N! 6. My cheese has failed.