
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by LordDonny, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. LordDonny

    LordDonny Forerunner

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    Created by Lord Donny

    Map Description
    Trying to get a even map where everyone can compete for the banshee and you need to work as a team to secure it. The banshee isn't that over powered as there is a Grenade launcher on each side and not much cover over base for banshee. I've tried to avoid spawn killing by having two teleporter entries (one in each base) and two exits (each side of the middle building) you can see this in the overview

    Overview of map, shows weapon spawns/ vehicle spawns. The other photos are out dated but you can see the (smallish) changes on this one.

    Shows banshee, theres a rocket under that banshee, can also see the sniper (is now infront of lift) and also the concussion rifle

    Side building, there's 2 portals on each of those triangle pieces (2nd level)

    Banshee and rocket

    Layout of the rocks, the idea is there will be a huge team DMR fight for the banshee and its happened the couple of times I've managed to try it with 14/16 people

    I want to have a game play vid but need testers (forgot to save it the first time)

    It was pretty hard to line up all the platforms nicly and still have the depression the the middle so its a bit uneven but not so bad that it effects gameplay.

    X1 Banshee
    X1 Rocket
    X2 wraith
    X2 Sniper
    X2 concussion rifle
    X2 focus rifle
    X2 Grenade launcher
    X2 ghost
    X2 mongoose
    X2 plasma pistol
    X2 rocket hog
    X4 normal warthog

    Budget Remaining: $10
    Single player: a couple of the bits on the floor have the shimmer effect but I've fixed it in most places
    Split Screen : Should be pretty terrible, stuff started going hazy for me in forge mode when I took the photo.
    #1 LordDonny, Oct 2, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
  2. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Wasn't this already posted?
    cool map anyway. love the way you managed to get all the collisium walls placed out perfectly round the center, with no really bad bumps. I'd ussually say the use of all those premade biulding was 'noobish' but they fit in well.
    #2 mcclintonsl, Oct 2, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2011

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks like this map is based off of the real stonehenge, in which I would suggest trying to build it somewhere on grass (pillar maybe?), and your eccesive use of only seastack rocks kind of uglys it up, try using spire peices, which are still large, and don't have noticiable grooves and bumps all over them.
  4. LordDonny

    LordDonny Forerunner

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    Thanks :) although to be honest I am pretty noob at forging.

    Also you probably saw it on another forging site.

    Edited by merge:

    I tried it around the place but nothing really worked, the pillar didn't have enough clearance for the size of the map and if I did it in hemmorage it didn't give me the indent I was after.

    I haven't tired spires/ other rocks but my guess would be that it would be to small (especially since I've already run out of rocks with this amount)

    oh well, I didn't name it Stonehenge until after I finished it, I just couldn't think of any other name.

    Edited by merge:

    Just changed some of the spawn times on the map for guns/vehicles that I had overlooked the first time.

    and I decreased others after looking at current matchmaking maps and checking spawn times, eg warthog.
    #4 LordDonny, Oct 5, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  5. HL5 I raptor

    HL5 I raptor Forerunner

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    in the 2nd picture down you could see the sniper infront of the man cannon. i would consider moving it to place that is not obstructed so that it is more easy to pick u and use where-ever
  6. LordDonny

    LordDonny Forerunner

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    Yea I have moved it to in front of the man cannon on the side.

    The original idea was you had do go over the man cannon to pick up the sniper, but it ended up with people just not finding it :(
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think this would work a lot better on natural terrain. Colosseum walls tend to mess up when used to make floors. The rocks would look a lot better on grass as well. Cool map though, interesting rock structures.
  8. jake man

    jake man Promethean

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    hey cool map but i think that u should take out the banshee and put in 2 guass worthogs
    #8 jake man, Nov 6, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2011
  9. LordDonny

    LordDonny Forerunner

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    I'm going to try make a similar map in hemmorage after exams. I should have more money left over more aesthetics etc.

    However it wont be what I was originally going for as I like having the indent in the middle of the ring.

    Also Jake, I don't think guass hogs would work very well on this since there is good line of sight within each base to side base. Plus guass hogs bullets go through walls. Guass hogs are abit overpowered to put into matchmaking.

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