hi guys sorry its been some time i broke my laptop some how and had to get it fixed here is a map i was working... a look-a-like (sorta) of the star gate on foundry LINKS- map: game:use for any fat kid game type or alpha zombie game type IMAGES: if your wondering what this is for... its to prevent people form killing there self to get way from the fat kid or other zombies.. they will spawn in the cage only able to get out if a friend throws a grave life threw it the life is located out side of the cage on a block
I never really liked fat kid maps, but on the contrary i do love an excellently forged map and this is one of them. I especially love the idea for the re-spawn cage. Keep it up
very nice remake a lot better than the first it looks very neat and clean. i'll DL and post back later keep up the good forging.
DAMN, I was make a fat man like this, with a respawn cage and that kind of stuff. Are you sure you didnt copy it. But I cant see any barriers. Do you mind getting a pic of one?
Fat kid was only ever considered such a bad gametype because of the problems it had. But this map, with the respawn cage and whatnot, seems to have solved those problems. As soon as I get a game on it I'll be sure to give a review.
Meh, could be better. For example, that block outside of the cage that holds the "life" (a grav-lift I presume?) could be closer to the ground, unless it is not shown in the picture, I personally have never played the actual Fat-Kid variant, but I have played edited versions of the game. This map has better than average forging, and looks like it would play well. I don't like the idea of a "tank" with a gravity hammer in small rooms though. I also think that you should mix a red light in with the blue light or some other arrangement of lights to try to make it look like it would have a darkish purple or something like that.
what do you mean? ill be glad to help but i don't understand what you mean the block is more then holding the lift the block is used to get in the lil room above it