Stockpile Help?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ninja Cameraman, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. Ninja Cameraman

    Ninja Cameraman Forerunner

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    Me and a friend made a great two-base floating map yesterday and we just need to put some finishing touches on it before it's finished.

    Only problem is that when we go into edit Stockpile things never go right in the playtests. No matter what we do, all four flag spawners work and the score zones are perfect, there is this magic flag that will spawn in the place of one of the four out of nowhere.

    We've come to call this mid-air spawning thing "The Devil Flag" because no matter what we do it won't stop spawning there. If we delete all flag spawners on the map then the Devil Flag will make four flags pop up there.

    Every spawner is set to SP_flag and whatnot. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what is wrong? Or perhaps a way to do it if we just get rid of all of the flags and start over?

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