
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JEEF, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    thanks, i could care less about team slayer and FFa, because i only wanted this to be played for one flag. the reason some spawns may be bad is because in slayer there all neutral so any on can spawn anywhere if its safe.
  2. providence

    providence Ancient
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    i saw this map in the making, many hours of hard work went into the forging. i think it is pleaseing to the eye, i cant say iv played on it yet but ill try it. jeef solo and monster congrats on the good work
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I wasn't saying that he was right. But, if some does say that there are some bad spawns, you should probably look for them just in case.

    I was merely trying to help your already good map become better, but if your not willing to accept the criticism you would get from the people who play your map, then maybe you should either submit a perfect map that caters to everyone's playing style or just learn to deal with it.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I got to play this randomly the other day. I was like "wow" this has a lot of neat geo's. And then I was like "wow" these geo's seem so random. ...and then I was like "wow!" these geo's aren't random! --Anyways, the only bad thing that happened in our game of 1-flag was some bad spawns. The weapons may have been fine, but I wasn't paying much care for that since the map has an actual map feeling. The starting spawns for the attackers seemed a bit off. I'd have them spawn in the bridge base like thing you guys made. --And that area where they spawn now seemed kind of pointless beside that random BR and you starting there. Other than that, there isn't really flow that goes into it. Maybe put something in there? idk... I'll have a better look at this map today and I might get back to you.
  5. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Haha, lol thanks.
    Ah, yes, the "actual map" feeling, thats one thing we were definitely going for.
    We played around with the starting spawns and after testing a few different ones, we liked the fence box safe-spawn the most and we thought the bridge starting spawn was too far back.
    But thanks for the nice post...
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I downloaded the map and I awaited hungrily to play it. This is not my forge style and I do like it alot. So I started up a 2v2 custom for one flag and played three games. The spawns suck. That's the best way I can describe them to you. I didn't get spawn killed, but players did spawn near me when they shouldn't have. This happened to me three times. Once I was near the flag, but had not grabbed it a player spawned in front of me only to kill me in my suprise and disgust. Another time happened when I epicly stopped the flag carrier moments before he capped the flag. Seconds after he died again to my amazement and suprise both players spawned right above me on the bridge room. After all three games I felt that the maps spawnfailsystem had failed me. To add to my distaste for the spawns is the lack in varitey of where I spawned. Same spot five plus times in a row is not a good thing. Never once did I spawn in the back attacker base where the carbine is or did I spawn anywhere else apart from the starting spawn and the spawns above the bridge room. I also feel that the spawns on top of the bridge room are poor in location. Spawns nearer to ground level are better.

    Now onto the map itself. I did enjoy the gameplay on it, but I felt that one flag could have been better and more exciting. This is mainly due to the fact that there is only one way to go for it. If the flag were place farther out of the defender's it would make gameplay more fierce and frantic.

    As far as map geometry goes, maybe one more flag route and some elevation change. Apart from that and some needless merging I can't offer anymore. It was well forged, but I feel that you guys need to go back to the basics as far as spawns are concerned.
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I went around here and I'm impressed!!!

    There were even some parts where you made unnecessary things like the merging of a double box to the stairs. The beam rifle didn't even need to be floating it can just be put on the wall, but I understand seeing you make your maps very detailed.

    You are one of the best mergers or interlockers I know. Simply awesome, very clean. I see some original structures as well. Great job.
  8. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Rusty, thanks for working with Jeff on the spawns. The help was much needed. Hopefully now we'll be able to play something other than 1-Flag.

  9. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    Great job. I downloaded this map the other day. Your merges are top of the notch. Some of these merges i have never even seen before. Anyways, the layout looks great, and uber job on using half of foundry
  10. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This is an awesome map! I played it a couple weeks back when i joined someones game hahah. I love all the aesthetics, I need to figure out how to geo merge active camos like you did here

    nice work gaiz
  11. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Like others have said, the merges are incredible. In terms of techniques, this is one of the most well-made maps I have ever seen. I see a lot of comments about spawns, and I'm hoping this isn't one of those "aesthetics first" maps. I really like the angled geomerges that work so well into the bases. They don't just look like random merges to show off, but they all really have some meaning. I'll take a look.
  12. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    You really out-did yourself on this map, I liked Epoch but I love this. Great Interlocking, Pro Geo-Merging. 5/5!
  13. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Fixed it for you.

    Thanks, though. :)
  14. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    This is probably one of, if not the best, map I have ever seen. The merging and interlocking is flawless and the geomerging is precise and breathtaking. I have no idea how you did it let alone how you found the time, but this is a "forgegasmic" map.

    You outdid yourselves here. The slightly off-to-the-side chambers and secretive spots make it fun just to walk around on, let alone play. Keep up the great work. highest rating ive ever given---10/5
  15. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Wow, thanks.
    That's the kind of replys we like.
    Yea, those chambers are something we liked as well.
  16. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    This map is great. I love the lift/man cannon thing, that is the best, most original lift I have ever seen. At first glance this looks very open, but when I played a game, it really wasnt that bad. Also, to be honest, I never saw any bad spawns but I only played 1-Flag, 1 time, so I didnt give it much of a chance to go wrong. 9/10 from me guys.
  17. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    No, its not very open lol.
    Yea, the 1-flag spawns are probably the best on the map.
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I got a chance to play 1 flag and FFA on this map the other day. One flag worked fairly well, the spawns were fine and there was a good balance among weapons available. The map seemed to play a bit too linearly though. At one point in the map, all paths converge to one open area, which is where I think this map suffers. If you extended the side nook with the stair case and angled bridge to the base of the defender's sniper tower, that might help alleviate some of the congestion near the zip line and give the attacking team another strategy of attack.

    FFA worked pretty well, I didn't see any bad spawns while I was playing. So I don't have much to say there. The map itself looks beautiful, the structures are both uinique and functional. I think if you tweaked the layout a bit you could have a great map in your hands. Try developing the one side of the map more, and I'm sure that will help you with both gameplay and spawns.
  19. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    You're kind words are appreciated.

    We have no plans to develop this map structurally, as time and other projects consume us. However, we're currently undergoing maintenence on the spawns for other gametypes besides 1-Flag, which you know, worked far better than others. The OP will be updated once those changes are made.
  20. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Ok first off jeef. how is it that i tought you how to geomerge??? if i cant to the things on this map! The geomerging is quite win, the zipline is orgasmic, the little box like thing with the stairs going up and behind it is sexy, ctf was fun. All in all orgsmic map. congratsjeef, solo, and monster on a sexy map =] 5/5 needs more geomerges

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