I was trying to make a airship with Theivish Jason but messed up 1/2 way threw so we made it into this hers the link if you like the look of it please download and rate it has some sslightly hidden chopper turrets bet you cant find them heres the link http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36761124 oh and please tell me what you think it looks like ive had to main oppinions about it from my freinds and want to know yours
Sniping, the Edit button should be used for adding comments. You triple posted which is considered spam so please try not to do that again. Please read this thread about fixing your post. It should help. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me
ok so how you get the larger picture on image shack is to look at the right hand side there should be someone that says link for forum or something on the lines of that and you should use the direct link i would edit you first post and try that
If your using imageshack don't bother using there codes, it's confusing. JUst make the pic bigger by clickng on the thumbnail, right click and select properties, then copy the url from there