Still Standing v1 By : SilentStrike008 Supported Gametypes: Infection ONLY (sry) Recommended # of players: 8-12 (can be more) Weapons: Shotgun - 6x Battle Rifle - 6x Sniper Rifle - 2x SMG - 3x (Not many weapons but plenty here for this map) The zombies spawn in the "bunker" while the humans spawn on the center field, the humans run to the base to get loaded on ammo. As the humans are doing this, the zombies are waiting 60 seconds until the man-cannon spawns launching the zombies up to the teleporters which lead them out. This is when the attack begins. The zombies have normal shields but they don't recharge, the good thing is that they have a 100% leech heath bonus. Human Hint: use the cover and weapons available to evade the zombies. Also, one thing DON'T KILL YOURSELF! This results in respawning INSIDE the zombie base which leads to you death being a lot easier! Zombie hint: Use the cover I provided like the trucks or crates scattered about. Avoid being able to be seen by the sniper box. The sniper usually resides here and WILL shoot. "The UNSC survivors from the past infection near Voi has left them weak in numbers. Only a handful of soldiers have made a safe haven at one of their outposts. Left abandoned for many months, the soldiers figure it is a good place to rest. Little do they know, there is a second infection already taking shelter in a neighboring bunker. The soldiers later figure out about the bunker's infection. As they prepeare to assault the temporary hive, it is not the soldiers that are beginning their attack..." Stats *Everyone has Poor Camo* Humans: Speed - 125% Gravity - 150% Last Man: Speed - 150% Gravity - 150% *Gains 4-5 points for being last* Zombies: Speed - 110% Gravity - 150% *Shields don't recharge but the zombies have a 100% leech* Alpha Zombie: Speed - 125% Gravity - 150% *Shields don't recharge but the zombies have a 100% leech* The human base (humans spawn in the center field and run to base) The Bunker (zombie spawn inside) The Fence box with a sniper rifle in it The man-cannon to the teleporters out The center field (human spawn) Where the zombie teleporters lead (where zombies come from) Special Thanks Testers: -XxBxR RougexX -JOEGLE 5121 -Blackshark38 -Omy420 -DcChiller -Jammer897 -JayDawg1985 -XXsoccerXdudeXX DOWNLOAD LINK Map Gametype: Stranded :
I love the idea of this map. But shouldn't the humans spawn inside the base instead of the zombies so the humans have a fighting chance?
The zombies take a minute to spawn so the humans can run to the base easily, the spawn , like, a couple feet from it.
dude just a tip you dont have to qoute his map, he knows your talking about it. Anyone I like the 2 bases and have a hard way to get to the other side. Great idea, but try and make a v2 and clean the interlocking
The map looks just ok, nothing really special about it that catches my eye. Looks a bit sloppy, but I understand it is suppose to look like that. I think better interlocking could have been done, seems a bit bumpy. A bit open too in the middle, I don't know how the zombies are going to use those small things for "cover".
I think you would need a lot of people to play this and i think it would be easy for the humans because its really open. How many zombies do you start with?
i see how this is. the only thing about it though, infection maps are better when theyre a map, not a "thrown around objects" kinda map. theyre not as fun and very unorriginal. it also shows little effort. the sniper place is cool though. 3/5
dude, NEVER quote the original post. we all know what your talking about. Now onto the map, Looks very empty, and the zombies might be really week, so are they just getting spawn killed all the time or what?
The sniper box supprisingly easy, and the reason it is thrown around is for cover, i see now that the cover isn't very... well... covering. I'm currently in the process of making a v2
Not to be rude this map is to me is bad. It looks like something a beginner forger would make. Theres alot of open space and random objects too. For me i give this map a 1.5/5
I would love to see this map with interlocking and asthetics. The gameplay looks extremely fun and shows major potential to be improved on. It's also nice to see a game where zombies aren't superspeed torpedoes that die in one hit. Anyway, I'll give it a 4 for the game play.