Just a still life I drew yesterday. Charcoal. I think my favorite part is the two golf tees. DA LINK: Still Life 9224 by ~The-Whispy on deviantART
Good start. A couple of things though, - The can, the top looks wierd, when drawing cans/cyliders make it a perfect oval. - I like the trophy, but the base is at a different angle then the person. make the person look like more of something your looking down on and not to the side on. - As for the wrenches, the actual ends of them don't look like the shape they should be. Try practice drawing them with a pencil. - Not sure what that is on the right. - The writing on the can. Make sure it correctly moves with the cans surface. You can help with this by making curved lines with a pencil going on the surface of the can, then erasing when done. Hope that helps, and good luck on your future endeavours!
It's a crystal formation, probably amethyst. Amirite? Anyways, I really love this drawing. It gives a real sense of emotion, and I can feel the mood of the drawing. While the crystal probably didn't fit into the mood of the drawing well, it's a still-life, so you draw what you see. Fantastic job whisper.
The shading on this pic is flawless. I also really like how the light bounces off of everything to make it seem more realistic. Just add more depth to the trophy dude and align him with the base and this pic will be really great!
Ok, the trophy guy faces off at a diagonal from the sides of the base of it, so he is facing correctly.