Sticky's Ye Old Sig Shoppe (Feat. ZCT) ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm sorry everyone, I forgot to say so, but I am closed for the Holiday's, as I will not be here to make the requests. I will be back in January. Sorry for any inconvenience and Have a great Holiday! XD I have no idea why, but I am opening my sig shoppe for business. EDIT: ZCT is now Working with me! Here are some good examples of our work... Zstrike: ZCT: Alright, so on to the Rules and such. RULES: *respect for rules greatly appreciated. XD* -Based on a First Come, First Serve basis. (ie. I will do sigs as in the order of their requests. So if you ask for a sig, and there are 5 people waiting ahead of you, it will take time to get to yours, and so please do not barrage this thread, or me, with constant "Are you making it yet?" "Almost done?" Etc... Depending on how popular this gets will be a factor. (Although I can usually get a sig done in 15-30 minutes, depending on what I'm doing) -Please follow the given guidelines for requests below. -Keep requests approiate. No pornographic material or anything that would contradict a site rule. -One sig a customer. However, if there is a long enough request list, I will take a second sig into consideration, but you could wait awhile. -Saving Sigs: I will most likely keep the sig hosted on photobucket for you, however, I would definitely encourage you to save it yourself on a hosting site, just in case. -Three strike system. Each rule broken, another strike. Consequences: Strike 1: Request will be pushed back by 3 people. (Or to end if less than three) Strike 2: Request pushed to end automatically, or if at end, kept at end even if new requests are made. Strike 3: Automatic removal of Sig request from shop. *Note that these rules are subject to change over time at owner's disgretion* Requests Completed: FireFox 919 SCG Katanga Tristan28 danIz3pic smitty0018 Requests Waiting: SPARTANZ77 Knight Kninja rbyuski Hellclown Code: FH User Name: Render/Stock: Text/Name Wanted: Layout Description: (this includes colors wanted, type of brushes) [CENTER]or[/CENTER] [LEFT]Author Freestyle: (gives me total control over what how sig is made)[/LEFT] So anyway, like, ya. As I said, -Follow Shoppe rules -Don't pester me -And as said, usually takes me 15-30 minutes a sig, based on what it is. The Shoppe is CLOSED for the Holidays.
hey cud u do the request i left in the Legacy sig shop ? i just need u to edit it and put a few things in the background. i wud copy n paste but im on a psp,sorry. my request is b4 the current page in Legacy thread. it wud be greatly appreciated. thanks
Alright guys. I put you two on the waiting list. I'd begin now, but its 1:30 am here lol... so I'll begin on them tomorrow. XD
ok thank u. ive waited forever for someone to do this for me. all other shops are basicly dead or the person never checks it.
Alright Firefox, I finished yours. Made 2 versions because I used an effect and didnt know if you'd like it or not. So you can choose. Just let me know if you want anything changed... Regular: Special:
Hey, could you possibly do me a signiture? I've copied and pasted a request from another sig shop.. The image is this: Planet Renders // Renders - Music Renders/Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists For the image, can the fist be poking out of the top of the siggy? (Don't care about BG, just do summin swirly). The text would be: Perhaps in a violent looking font. And in the bottom right hand corner, it would read: Katanga So, that's the request.
Cheers. I assumed you may have a PlanetRenders account, since you've done alot of sigs with renders already.
Yes I do lol... Alright here it is. Im not totally pleased with this one, so I was going to make a new one from scratch, but if you like this then you can of course keep it lol... just let me know. XD
Thats probably your best one.... Your improving quite a bit since you first started.... keep up the work man!
Hey man great work. I was wondering though if you could make banners? I really want one for Left 4 Dead, thanks.
Ohai thar ZCT. XD Welcome to teh Shoppe. Just an update, "It is now the Zstrike and ZCT Sig Shoppe" XD We are taking requests btw...
i need a favor zach can you put a santa hat on my sig guy:¤t=sharp2.png and this pic of me:¤t=1215081727.jpg (rotate too!)