(Sticky) The Book of Conquest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    Desert Rat msg me on XBL and I will go through and make sure you follow the proper flow for conquest and what needs to be done to make a good conquest map... cuz I have seen alot of common mistakes in Conquest maps due to its recent popularity and a not standardized v2 or v3... the new Conquest (technically v4 overall, my v2... but it will not hold a version number because it is standardized now and completed) returns to the focus of Conquest in the first place... team play, brute force at choke points, and constant pressure... rather than one player getting the sniper and taking out the whole team by himself... or picking up a CPU and completely owning...

    I will let you know when the Official Conquest Description is posted... and I'm sure Pred will update the post with the changes... we are hoping to recreate the book of conquest and make it a standard thing for all gametypes like it that can be standardized. If you have any questions/comments/concerns on the new conquest, plz PM me or visitor msg me...
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Where is the newest version at and what are the specific changes?
  3. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    I too have seen many mistakes, I myself made quite a few on Tethered. The thing is is that Cenith and Tethered are both off the beaten path, each side DEFINTELY not mirror-image in the layout(which is near impossible on Orbital(Tethered) and High Ground(Cenith), have next to no resemblance in aesthetics and gameplay. One of the best things about Tethered is you have to adjust your gameplay to what ever side you're attacking. Attacking the Highside? Use the Battle Rifles to lay down supressing fire on the enemy team. Running down the low side? Use the Duel-wields in this CQB relagated field. On maps like Tethered and Cenith versibility in your rush is the absoulute key. Conquest may be about Brute Force, but tactics are just as important. No you cant flank, you cant maneuver, but the right gun for the right fight is very important.

    And whisper, check AZN's File Share for the new Conquest and The Cellarsv2, an update of the first ever Conquest map.
  4. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    Hey you don't tell anyone about that yet... I haven't officially posted it... :p I will post the link for the New Conquest description and The Cellars here when I finish it... most likely later today (today being Tuesday)

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    You forgot the fact that its standardized of the standardized standardized gametype.. the standard. lol. Are you serious? you made the original, yeh.. congrats, a great idea.. but through lots of research, ton of testing, and a shitload of discussion, it was improved upon by Furious. You need to accept that and stop putting it down, because that post was extremely condescending and insulting.

    i mean if you feel you can improve more on it, then so be it, but im gonna need to see at LEAST as much hard evidence as Furious had when he undertook Conquest v2 for it to really be considered the marquee conquest variant, and definitely in a much less condescending tone.
    #105 LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  6. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    However he recreated the gametype without permission and called it v2. I know that if anyone else would have done that they would have been accused of theft of intellectual property. So I have the right as the original creator to be condescending towards someone who took something from me.

    And I don't need hard evidence. Furious D was doing research on the wrong parts of Conquest. He took away the essence of conquest. It became just a linear Flag Rally. He took away the team effort that is the focus of Conquest, the brute force that it takes to get just one territory. He cared too much about people only getting beatdowns. It's not the kills you get it's the teamwork that is involved in moving forward. In v2 and v3 all it takes is a single good sniper to take out a whole team and take the territory himself. That is not Conquest, that is flag rally. I dont' need proof for something I created. You think what you will about Conquest v2 and v3. The fact that the staff support a gametype that was stollen is very disgraceful to say the least.

    I don't care that he changed it, but it would have been nice to know and to help him create a new standard for it. Do you know what it's like to find out that someone got B Faved for stealing your gametype? Kind of disappointing.

    I dont' need your approval to have a standardized gametype let alone any hard evidence. I apologize if I don't meet the staff's standards... but I don't care what the staff thinks. Only what the community thinks. You guys can continue to play Conquest v3 and think that it's better if you would like. But for those that would like to see my rendition of what should have been done with the gametype in the first place please feel free to try the new version of The Cellars and Conquest.

    I will come back with a link to the description of Conquest and it will cover the theory behind building a proper map that is smooth for Conquest... also Element and I will be releasing our Orbital Conquest Map soon as well. And Predicide I will keep you up to date with all of the maps that XF has for Conquest once we get the XF Official Gametype [XFOG] section up...

    Senior Member

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    if furious stole your gametype, itd be called conquest. but its not, its called conquest v2. if anything you should have been flattered that someone took such a hard look at it and tried so hard to improve upon what you started. Furious even said himself that it ultimately comes own to personal preference, so get rid of whatever vendetta you have, suck it up and be a man about it. no need for the condescending bullshit. and i dont speak for the staff, i speak for me.. so stop referring to what i say as cumulative staff opinion. im sure Pred will add the link to the list of gametypes already up there along the original, v2 and v3 because he's a good guy. congrats
    #107 LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  8. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    To me Furious D's gametype was inspired by Conquest... it should not have been called Conquest v2. Conquest and Conquest v2 are part of the same category of intellectual property. v2 implies that you either own the original or got permission. I'm fine with the v2 and v3, I actually have that as part of the "History of Conquest". I already accept that it was "improved" upon. I have a right to say that he took the wrong path in improving it. I have no vendetta, I have a disagreement towards the improvements... I have nothing against Furious D anymore, we settled that long ago. So get off my ass and stop attacking me. You didn't have to post here attacking my response, you could have confronted me personally because your post was off topic... drop it, all further discussion will be brought to PMs... you should know better being a colored member, I expected better of you...
    #108 Ray Benefield, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2009

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    well since you dont have beef with Furious, then drop the attitude. and intellectual property? take it up with bungie, because this is all their ****. not yours, not furious's, not mine. and you should know better... your attempts in continually trying to make the staff look bad in order to gain more ass kissers and fanboys is futile. my **** was very on topic, this is the conquest thread.. we are talking conquest. leave it to you to try and get the last word with the same old claims of OMG CORRUPT. get over it, weak **** is weak. but i guess ive come to expect such BS from you

    considering you havent explained your gametype in the slightest yet, what changes you made, and why, you havent given any reason for people to try it. Im sure thatd be appreciated for anyone who is curious.
    #109 LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    "property that results from original creative thought"

    Corrupt staff eh? The first post against yours was the only mention of staff... the rest was towards you for being immature and starting it.

    Anyways here are the biggest differences in Conquest:

    • I kept the no friendly fire that is present in v2 and v3 because with choke points controlling friendly fire is difficult, so I kept it removed
    • I returned to the 75% weapon damage. Yes this may increase the amount of beatdowns, but the types of kills are not important. Due to overwhelming amounts of forces at a choke point one needs more meat to survive 2-4 people shooting at them. Also this removes the one headshot capabilities of sniper rifles. This makes snipers a support weapon rather than a power weapon.
    • The Custom Power Up was changed from 30 sec invulnerability to 50% leech. The reason for this is that invulnerability makes it a one sided battle rather than just offering an advantage. 50% leech allows you to last a bit longer while attacking, but isn't as big of an advantage due to the fact that you will have multiple people shooting at you. However it is still an advantage. 75% damage and this both support the "more meat" factor that you need to survive long enough in a territory to enjoy the game and have an effect.
    • Because Conquest is a team focused gametype, your respawns are synchronized with your team. If you die and a teammate is about to spawn in 3 seconds, you spawn with them. This increases both teamwork and bruteforce.
    • Another respawn change is that you spawn whenever anyone captures a territory. What this does is reset the battlefield so that both teams have equal opportunity to attack the new frontline. However, the team that won the territory that caused the respawn has troops already at the next territory, that is your advantage for winning the last territory.
    • Respawn time was increased to 10 secs as supposed to 5 due to the new respawn traits to give a team the reward for eliminating another team and having a bit more time to capture territories.
    These changes support the true essence of Conquest which is a focus on teamwork, bruteforce, and capturing the the battlefield. When I have completed the complete description and guide to Conquest you can read that for more details on how to build a proper map for Conquest and why certain antics are taken in Conquest maps...

    NOTE: Conquest no longer has a version number because this is the final standardized version. If you would like to continue to utilize v3 then that is your choice. We hope that you enjoy the first XForgery Official Gametype. ;)
    #110 Ray Benefield, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2009
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I listed your gametype, as judiciously (unbiased) as I could. There they are, 2 choices.
    To list your maps, AZN, they have to be FH posted.

    1000th post!!
    #111 Indie Anthias, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  12. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Huh. Sounds like V3 is better.
  13. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Didnt know about the no version number thing. Ill update the descriptions shortly.

    I love the new settings for Conquest. It seems like this is being given a 180 degree turn from v3. Was Conquestv3 fun: yes. But was the Original better? IMO, oh so much better. Hopefully the new breed of Conquest maps will follow The Cellars example: brute force with a little spice to create one of the best custom games possible. Excuse me for sounding like a suck-up, but its the 7ru7h.
  14. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    #114 Ray Benefield, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2009
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Um, besides the longer respawns, it seems like this plays in exactly the same way as V3 does.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

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    except more double-beatdowns for an overall lower player count in battle, and confused players wondering why players arent dying when they should... it basically reverted back to the same reasons why v2 and 3 were created

    the CPU change isnt bad, tho
    #116 LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  17. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    I noticed the differences, like in the begining, the guy kept going for those no-scopes but in the end he only killed like two people. And since Cellers does not have a power up, that change isn't noticeable. I have to say that I am really pleased with the changes made to Conquest. It seems a lot more fair, and I love the change to the power up. I always disliked power ups because it was very unfair when someone got it, unless the two people that had them got into a battle, then it was very boring. Anyway, I downloaded this and when I watched the video I had an amazing idea for Conquest on Founry, hopefully a final Foundry project before I get the Mythic map Pack. I can't wait for the release of your Orbital Conquest map AZN FTW. Hopefully it will be full of win...
  18. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Agreed. The CPU was one of the major annoyances I had with Conquest V3. Maybe a V3.5 needs to be made without the CPU but everything else the same?
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    That would be Conquest v2 (the CPU was the only difference in the two)
  20. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Thats like saying that SWAT is bad because players die with one headshot from a BR, when normally they die with four. Obviously with any custom gametype players will be confused at first, but after the first death they realize what custom traits they have and they adapt. I mean, when I first played SWAT I hated it, but after playing it I realized it was awesome. I personally like the less damage, simply because its more focused on brute force, instead of sniper/br skill.

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