(Sticky) The Book of Conquest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    No, that's perfect. A link to the FH post is all I need. Thanks, these both look fantastic. Great job taking on Epithph!!

    I may end up making a separate section for the contest entries if enough of them are posted in their own thread, so Propulsion might get moved.
    #82 Indie Anthias, Feb 10, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2009
  3. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    I have something that you could update to this thread.

    Recently there have been many Conquest maps, probably because of the contest. Anyway,in several of them noticed something kind of bad about them. I checked back to The Cellers to see if he did the same thing, and he didn't. What Im talking about is the spawns, and specifically how they are ONLY in the beginning room. During some games people say "Dont capture Territory 1, we'll spawn further down the map". Before I play any map I always go into forge and so I say "There are not any spawns further down the map". I really hate that about spawns because

    A:) The other team will ALWAYS know where you start. And sometimes if the creator doesn't put the spawns against somethign, the other team might be able to spawn camp with assassinations.


    B:) Even if you have 4 territories you will still spawn in room 1. Most conquest maps can take a bit of traveling to get around and spawning farther back than you can only helps other teams and gives them a longer time of relief and makes it harder for the other team to throw an assault for that epic clash. For small maps this may not matter as much, but for the larger ones you can really tell the difference.

    For conquest maps I always put many spawns in the first room, and then as it gets closer to the center I put less and less spawns. And I stop putting spawns before I get near the center. I think you should place spawns throught "your teams" side of the map, so they have more options.

    I think you should update the thread with info on "Spawn Placing For Conquest".
  4. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I will write up a post on what the "Nature" of Conquest is... what the feel is and what it was based off of... I will send it to you this weekend predicide, but I understand what you are talking about... lots of the new maps are watered down versions of what Conquest really is... let's try to fix that... With Conquest v4 this coming week :)
  5. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    That bit of instruction will bet put in here eventually Bartoge, and your insights as well, AZN. Thank you both for the ideas.

    Right now I'm brainstorming about radically re-formatting this whole thing. There's a slight problem... I can't add the banners for the Mythic maps the same way they are now because of the 20 picture limit. There will be 20 maps and the title banner makes 1 picture too many. It's really bugging me because those banners are kind of my favorite thing about this, and simply ditching Pony's awesome title banner is unacceptable as well. I have an idea, but it might get a bit messy. Anyway, I can't do anything for a few days, but a change is coming.


    new book content VVV... I think this will work.
    #85 Indie Anthias, Feb 20, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  6. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    The Game Types

    Conquest by AZN FTW
    Conquest v2 by Furious D 18
    Conquest v3 by Furious D 18
    Conquest (v4) by AZN FTW

    Conquest v3 Details

    Territory cap: 10 seconds
    No lock after cap
    3 rounds of 3 minutes
    Base player traits: all standard
    Starting weapon: Assault Rifle
    No starting grenades

    Custom Power Up settings
    10 seconds
    Damage resistance (received): invulnerable
    Damage modifier (given): 75%
    Gravity: 75%
    Forced color: Gold

    v2/3 development

    Conquest (v4) Details

    Territory cap: 10 seconds
    No lock after cap
    3 rounds of 3 minutes
    Base player traits: 75% Damage Modifier
    Starting weapon: Assault Rifle
    No starting grenades
    Respawn settings: Syncronized with team

    Custom Power Up settings
    30 seconds
    Shield vamparism: 50% Leech
    #86 Indie Anthias, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  7. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    How to Build a Conquest Map

    >> Visit AZN FTW's Conquest Guide for an in-depth take on what Conquest is and how to construct a map.

    >> Visit Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide for yet another excellent how-to guide for building your map.

    Building a Conquest map - like numerous other things encountered in life - can either be a conservative process or a liberal process; there is an established set of guidelines that should be followed in order to make your Conquest endeavor successful. For each rule listed, an example will follow of how it has been successfully broken; this being said, most if not all rules have variations. You can choose to create a traditional Conquest map, though there is also the radical approach to forging a Conquest. There's a great body of work to look to from both approaches.

    Let's take a close look at the original Conquest map, "The Cellars". This is the map from which the rules are derived; therefore, the it is the perfect reference point for describing the characteristics of a Conquest map.

    • 1. Path Characteristics
      • Symmetric: a Conquest map should be symmetrical. Mirror-image perfect, if possible.
      • Linear: a Conquest map should consist of a single, inescapable, linear path with two ends.
      • Narrow: the path should be narrow enough to keep battles head-on with little to no flanking able to occur.
      • Meandering: the path should not be a straight line, there should be two or more symmetric turns.

    • 2. Territories
      • There should be 5 or 7 territories (must be odd number), side-by-side, along the line. The middle territory should be the point of reflection.

    • 3. Weapons/Equipment
      • SMG
      • Magnum
      • Spiker
      • Plasma Rifle
      • Plasma Pistol
      • Battle Rifle
      • Brute Shot
      • Sniper Rifle
      • Frag Grenade
      • Spike Grenade
      • Custom Power Up
    There's plenty of room for variation, but there's also a pretty distinct line where your map isn't Conquest material anymore. The above list describes The Cellars (minus the Custom Power Up). Every map deviates from this formula in some way, and every rule has been broken at some point. It is not uncommon to see Plasma Grenades and Needlers used. Flame Grenades and Deployable Covers aren't common, but have been proven to work. These are the decisions the map maker has to make, and testing is always needed to reveal whether or not the deviation has merit.

    A note on spawns: Spawns can seem straight-forward, but there are a few things to consider. Obviously, teams should have starting points at opposing ends of the map, and the traditional approach is to have them respawn only there as well. This way, players must run all the way to the interface each time they die. This approach works just fine for small maps. In some longer maps, however, it's perfectly fine, a good idea even, to add a few respawn points along the path, closer to the center (no respawn points should actually be in the center). Be cautious with this because teams have been known to use this to their advantage by intentionally not taking their first territory to encourage the game to spawn them close to the center each time.

    A known problem with many maps is "base-switching", where teams will overrun their opponent's first territory, causing them to spawn back at their base. A fix for this is to use spawn hives, which are high up / out of the way spawn rooms that are not part of the actual conquest path. Ideally, they should be inaccessible or overlooked by oncoming traffic.

    Standard Deviations:

    • 1. Tele-cages. Invented by Furious D 18, first appearing in Faction. Tele-cages allow a member of one team to teleport to the opposing team's side, but is then confined to a small cage. All they can do is shoot out. It's a one-way trip, and the cage must not be in the territory capture area. Additionally, it's important to make the cage small enough to only allow one person in at a time. This means the person standing in it must be kept in a position where he is blocking the receiver node.
    • 2. Fence Walls. Another idea introduced by Faction that has gained popularity is dividing the two routes between teams with fence walls and shoot-through gaps. That way, the teams must still travel the path to meet their opponents head-on, but can take pot-shots at each other along the way. This adds a bit of variety to the action, and is another option for map-makers to consider.

    Examples of Traditional Conquest Maps:
    Examples of Radical Conquest Maps:
    #87 Indie Anthias, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Summary of Disputed Lands part 1


    Essentials by HLG FlashPoint


    see BTB Conquest under Spin-Offs heading​


    Zion by Nitrous
    Northern Lights by Dirt Jockey


    Installation by PwnsauceAddict​


    Deep Freeze by Creep1ng De4th
    HaLL by DFS Faust​


    Desolate by Hotpokkaminny
    Baseline by Bartoge​


    Eurpathy V2 by Bartoge
    Rails by SVV33T SAUC3​


    Faction by Wakko45 & Furious D 18
    Echo by Creep1ng De4th
    Indiana Wine by Running Chron
    Traction by Vicious Vice
    Terminal by Matty & rusty eagle
    The Waterworks by Iron Tusk & Shock Theta
    Deterioration by SwordScar
    Cathedrial by Titmar & BetaWaffle
    Vertkwest by Cosmic Rick
    Installation 06 by G043R
    Toothy Grin by MattDGiant
    Transgression by LEGION
    Foundry Tunnels by HalfBrian
    Chasm by JustcallmeDrago & philthyphillup
    Quadrivium by xSharpshooter94 & eguitarplaya33
    Amalgam by Morphine
    Metropolis by Seaboro Kibbles
    Ventilation by ICanHazH34DSH0T
    Konqueest by doomgrunt
    T for Terminal by Hank102938
    Pipes by maxp0095​


    10 Paces & Turn by LIGHTSOUT225
    Cabbage Patch by Predicide
    Ramshackle by Creep1ng De4th​


    Forest Fire by DimmestBread
    Treequest v3 by meltyourtv​




    #88 Indie Anthias, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Summary of Disputed Lands part 2


    Harvest by G043R​


    Transit by evilvillager


    see Sea Quest under Spin-Offs​


    Bekon by sloner52​


    Moonshine by Vorpal Saint
    Ishimura by DRiSCOLL
    The Station by AZN FTW & ell3ment
    Conquital v2 by ubgrayedd
    Overlience by Bartoge
    Terminal 12 by SVV33T SAUC3
    Zero G by Hunter85792​


    Cellars by AZN FTW, Asper49, Titmar, rusty eagle, & TheYavimayan
    Cellars (remake) by AZN FTW & RightSideTheory
    Rat Race by luckiesnipes​


    Stonehenge Conquest by tingtong430
    Air Force by Destroyer7793
    Fission by theheat
    Lost Cave by HaterSkater15
    Skyquest by Jpec07
    Mausoleum by Creep1ng De4th
    Socratic Method by Predicide
    Sundown Meet-up by TheClubhouse
    Artifacts by aDeAdHeRo875
    Nile Fever by urban destroyer & Black C4t
    Redial by TheClubhouse
    Gold Rush by Gunnergrunt
    Continuity by benji4611
    Hieroglyphs by urban destroyer
    Carceral by I Timothy I
    Woodrow by luckiesnipes
    Excertp by rifte gifle
    Discovery by l PATRICK l
    Heli-pad by xItZ jENKiNSx
    Verticality by padres1944
    The Hollow by Urban Myth
    Harmony v2 by flyin penguin19
    The Gutter by SVV33T SAUC3
    Columbine by l PATRICK l
    Acquisition by Given To Fly
    RK Bastion by Rolak Kuroda
    Influence v1 by Zero Kontrol
    Descended Vale by CaptnSTFU
    Crackle by NOKYARD
    Tunnel Trouble by nixaguy
    Eris by SW33T SAUC3 & xItZ jENKiNSx
    The Great Wall by MultiLockOn & CowboyPickle
    Neon Sun by i5m KS LD
    Mombasa Bridge by DIEabolical
    Conquer by DIEabolical
    Cool Map by cowboypickle23
    Eden by LD
    Pest by LD
    Status Quo by Sasquatch​


    Shale Valley by Predicide
    Hurt by Dirt Jockey​


    Cabin Fever by TXGhost
    Cold Cavern by Aaronator​


    Concussion by squidhands
    Cliffhanger by BetaWaffle
    A Bridge Too Far by ezekeil20five17
    Bunker Bridge by Jpec07
    Rocky Ridge by Ac3Snip3r​


    Ops Center by Foyoman​


    Storage by Foyoman​
    #89 Indie Anthias, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Banner by Mallet

    Forge Hub hosted a Conquest map-making contest in February 2009. Here's the links to the various threads, and the maps that were submitted. Many excellent new Conquest maps were forged for the contest. The rules stated that the map had to be done on Foundry, and that they had to conform to conventional Conquest traditions.

    There were more submissions than are posted here. Until I get a link to an actual Forge Hub post, I can't list it here. Check the submissions thread for a complete list of all submissions.

    Of the Essence by Gunnergrunt

    Runner Ups
    Plunder by Speed-e-cake
    Paralysis by LIGHTSOUT225 & Vicious Vice

    Propulsion by Bartoge
    Observatory by Ell3ment
    Crosswise by evan12075
    Binary by RivalMass
    Channel by DimmestBread
    Concourse by goatnuts420
    Tenochtitlan by luckiesnipes
    Europa by DieHardAssassin
    Hydrogen Plant by DieHardAssassin
    Hephaestus by DieHardAssassin
    Drop Shock by Gunnergrunt
    Protocol V.2 by sloner52
    Todem by Agamer93 & CaMOfo​
    #90 Indie Anthias, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Conquest Spin-Offs

    BTB Conquest

    BTB Conquest is just what it sounds like: a large-scale Conquest battlefield for large teams.

    Tunnels by IxGUNxSLINGERxI
    Frozen by IxGUNxSLINGERxI

    Attention Deficit

    Attention Deficit is a more radical variation created by Conquest theorist Furious D 18. Terretories are opened one by one via some brilliant timed map events.
    Attention Deficit by Furious D 18


    Conflict is a spin-off by Rhys J Mitchell. He has 5 maps for it: Hourglass, Tri-Strangle, SIGMA, Nucleus, and Diamond. It is a Land Grab variant and features a central hub from which to control all the territories.
    Conflict map pack by Rhys J Mitchell


    This is Cosmic Rick's low-gravity game that takes place on a series of platforms. Still very much in the spirit if Conquest, this is an altogether different playing experience.
    Leapfrog by Cosmic Rick

    Tunnel of Light

    Tunnel of Light, by Creep1ng De4th, is a color-effects showcase on Cold Storage. Amongst the multitude of game types built for it is Light Quest, which is a small-scale version of Conquest (only 3 territories).

    Tunnel of Light by Creep1ng De4th

    Conquest: High Gravity

    Stalemate introduces a Conquest variant that uses heavy gravity settings to help keep players inbounds with the shaky pre-DLC scenery available on The Pit.

    Stalemate by evan12075


    Mini-Conquest simply compensates for a shortened course (3 territories) with certain minor respawn settings and the removal of sudden death.

    Lasting Chaos by Bartoge

    Sea Quest

    This variation of Conquest is custom-made for sub-marine environments.

    Lobster Trap by Nosirrom Mij


    Overquest! is a game variant that uses Overboard! player settings, for use on any Conquest map.

    Overquest! by Foyoman

    Conquest 2D

    This Conquest variant treats players like they were in an ant farm. There's not a lot of space to move around laterally, forcing the action to go vertical.

    Conquest 2D by Zow Jr
    #91 Indie Anthias, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  12. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Hate to be OCD here, but Crosswise, not Crosswire. Thanks.
  13. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    typo lol.

    Thanks, I wouldn't have noticed that.
  14. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    For another Standard Deviation, you could put something about fencewalls. Like in Faction, he used fencewalls at the beginning to get battles started early. Now they have been used in several maps and mostly a good feature to have.
  15. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    OK I added that, and your spawn advice as well. I hope I worded it right... if not let me know.
  16. MovieGame

    MovieGame Ancient
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    This is an awesome idea, i love maps were i don't get flanked every 5 seconds!!
  17. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    The holy handgrenade of antiauk! *doesn't know if he spelled that right.*
    Monty Python such a classic, clever you are Predicide, clever you are.
  18. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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  19. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Since I finally posted it, could I have Plunder added to the Conquest Forge-Off section, please?
  20. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Much earlier in this thread, I mentioned a concept for a Conquest map on High Ground. The reason I never tested was because of one huge glitch that was unfixable and practically destroyed the map.

    About 2 months later, The unfixable has been fixed. Cenith is ready for that long lost test session that got quite a few of my friends fired up. But it is not the only map to warred on upon by disputing people.

    Killimanjaro is a concept for Rat's Nest I have taking advantage of the large open space going under the bridge that is the hallmark of The Cellars. I have no idea when this will be released, but it could be a very good, traditional Conquest.

    Tethered is an Orbital Conquest that falls into the radical catagory. With Tele-Deathtraps, and a wire spool launcher, it is a one-of-a-kind map. Even better it is geared towards Conquest v4, which was recently released. If anything, this is the most promising of the 3 maps in the wings right now, with almost all who saw it in its first tests were loving it. The descriptions for the 3 are below.

    Cenith: Weapon research stations were often named for their founders, such as General Richard Cenith. Conquest v3, by Desert Rat and Zackj191

    Killimanjaro: Dug deep into a mountain, this base has been home to many colors. Mostly Red and Blue. Conquest v4, by Desert Rat 852

    Tethered: "I can see them!"-Spleentacular. A conquest 29,000 miles above earth. Please avoid the flying geese. 6-12, for Conquest v4

    Any one who wants to help test Cenith and Tethered, send me a PM or post on my profile.

    Desert Rat 852

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