I'm actually working on a conquest map on narrows.I've blocked off the man cannon jumps, the only problem so far is forcing people down one path to prevent flanking. Narrows has barely anything to forge with.
there is one, its called bifrost, but I don't know if squidhands has posted it yet but if he has, predicide, you should get it in here.
Thanks, I haven't posted it yet. I need to fix a couple of small things before I do it, otherwise it plays pretty nicely if I do say so myself. Breakability is a huge issue with most maps that aren't on Foundry, and for some reason that turns people off to playing them. I just need to make it to where escaping the map is a detriment to the team. I'll have it posted in a few days probably.
Sweet. I really enjoyed playing it but it was really easy to break out but I don't know how you are going to fix it. Maybe alter conquest so you can't get in vehicles and make them indestructable so you can use them as walls. It might help. Can't wait for it though.
I cant believe someone hasn't made one on Epitaph i actually think High Rails made by Asper would be for conquest. I'm making one now on Blackout one team spawns in the room where the sniper is above and the other base on the hallway going to the shotty. It is a square sized map so I hope it works out!!
My map 'Amalgam' which can play the mini-game gametype "Operative", also functions as a conquest map. I believe it is the first two-in-one conquest/mini-game map.
-Rat Race listed Morphine, I'll definately list yours but I need a link to your FH post, whenever it's ready. Sorry, but I'm not listing maps that haven't been posted at FH.
So I may not be participating in the Conquest Forge-Off, because after I finish an idea, it just doesn't feel interesting enough to come back. However, when I finish making my companies site I would like to host a conquest tourney (obviously with prizes) to spike interest in the site and encourage some good competitive play. I was wondering if it was alright to use your "Book" as a reference for legal maps when the time comes...
Thats a great Idea. I would definately participate in that. Also, what kind of company are you making a site for. I'm always interested in stuff like that.
I am writing my own game... so my company is the company creating the game... the site is still in the works I'll let everyone know when it's ready... to fill the forums I will be hosting different game tourneys to get the site active...
I am as well AZN hope you share it with the rest of us...I can hardly wait for the next Section of Conquest.
Umm it was posted, I even provided a link to it in my first post... Look at the end of my Operative post. It's the same map, but it also plays a minigame, as I said.
oh right... I didn't check the game link, lol. Got ya, man. I was looking for a post that matched the map name.
I'm a big fan of conquest so for my first post i'll probably submit one... the pit calls to me... expect an edit soon with a link.
i would like 2 post a map here 4 narrows i see that there is currently not 1 and its on fh but how do i sumbit map name is ( Bekon ) link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/54812-bekon.html