A Chiron TL-34 re-make / spiritual successor. It has no shield doors and only five of the rooms but mostly stays true to the original. Some weapon placement is altered due to balance change from Halo CE to 3. Chiron DB-94
Man, I've been looking for a whole bunch of Halo CE/Halo 2 maps cause I'm thinking of hosting a big custom games night and these are great! Thanks a bunch
i dont see any, but i made a remake of Damnation (its called Dangnation because of LIVE code of conduct) check it out on my file share, i made a V2 and am about to post it up over my 1st Version.
here is a warlock re-make that i made. it took me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to complete, but i felt like i had to make it the best i possibley could. definately worth a check out. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Don't remember if I had posted here or not before, hinting at my Elongation Remake, but I have a V3.0 out now. Don't be fooled by the three, this map has had around 5 versions and one unreleased one. So V3.0 is the best I have to offer. Click on Elongation V3.0 in my sig to find the Forge Hub Forum. If it's good enough, it could replace the ..... ehem.... OK Elongation that is found here. On the compilation, nice job. Not many of the maps are REALLY good, but some are worth noting, like the beaver creek remakes (Battle Creek, whatever.). Good job though!
finally finished my midship remake after weeks of working on it. the one on your list is very old since i dont think they knew how to interlock back then. heres the link http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/28472-midship-v5.html. here are some pics....
look at my beaver creek remake on my siggy it is 99% done and is up all im missing is snaper and 1 of the pistals but now there is bubble shields in the back of the base and even a under ground area that looks really good and some one even said that the inter locking on the ground is sexy so check it out and you'll love it!
Ascension, Boarding Action, iTs NeXn'sChill Out, Damnation and Dojorkan's Outskirts are all dead links. And the Gemini Link takes you to the wrong fileshare I think. (Gemini isn't on it, either way)
I found that connector you were looking for I found that connector you were looking for Cindy, is this the thing you were looking for? www.liangdianup.com/computeraccessories_1.htm It's on the list of computer accessories and parts. They have the DVI video thing to convert that jap monitor to work with your other computer. Just about any other kind of wire adaptor, usb connectors, monitor extension wires, ps2 extention wires, and all kinds of female and male swap connectors and things that I think would help your shop. If that above link don't work then goto www.lducompany.com and click on computer accessories. Let me know if that is what you need and give me your email address again.
Cold Gulch - A snowy remake of Blood Gulch! This is my first Forge Hub map post and I have used the forge101 guide to make my favorite Halo map. As far as I have seen, this is the only Blood Gulch remake out there. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=56783904 - the map: Cold Gulch:sick: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=56783928&fset=15627 - Blood Gulch Halo CE style CTF:haha: It uses merging, floating, unlimited budget glitched Avalanche, and a great love of Blood Gulch CTF games! The map is also set up of Territories, Slayer, and King of the Hill. Assault set up coming soon!
Ooh, remakes! I wish I played the earlier Halo games so that I'd appreciate these. But I'll DL a couple to see what they're like.
im gonna come over your house with a gun , barricade you and your mom in your moms room . point the gun at your head and force you to wack off to your mom naked and when your done im gonna rip your **** off, hollow it out and use it as a condom to **** your mom.
I think by limting it just to foundry is silly you can't properly make a remake of a big map, anway here is an updated version of Relic with flat interlocking, geomerging, working covy tower, and an unbreakable barrier wall on avelanche Relic
I made a Foundation remake and I posted it on this site, check it out: Foundation I personally think it is better than the featured one.
I remade Halo 2's level Foundation. It was one of the first maps I made. I never knew abut unlimited budget and wasn't that good at interlocking, it still is a not to bad map though. All the weapon are the same except the SMG has been replaced. In Halo 2 the four symmetrical rooms were numbered, in my remake I used Overshields, Active Camoflauge, Custom Powerup and Reciever Node to create a similar effect. The level has been built so that is hard if not impossible to escape. Its been set for every game mode including Infection. Here are the two screen shots taken that show the level from Side A and Side B Side A Side B Download it Here
Hey, I'm thinking, is there a chance we can get this resurrected or cleaned up? What with Sandbox now here and being forged on, the good remakes deserve to be linked to, etc.
Damnation Remake (sandbox) I saw that the Damnation download wasn't active anymore, and I just recently made a remake of this map on Sandbox. I did not think this map was worthy of its own post so I guess it belongs here. Only supports slayer as of now, I may work on that later. Download