Mythic DLC (Sticky) Halo 3 Racing: Game Variants & Features

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by x DREAM 76 x, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    #21 x DREAM 76 x, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2009
  2. loco

    loco Ancient
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    We never kissed up for faves. The only time we actually attempted to get on faves, was way back when, when they first initially offered to communities to have the opportunity to be on favorites.

    Any instance of RACETRACKS being on faves besides than, was not because we asked them to, or anything. It's because they put it on there to match a map (as is the case now) or because some other group put them on.

    Now, I can understand that you have issues with the gametype... But it is still the 4th most downloaded gametype of all time. You can't ignore this statistic. Whether you, or anybody else likes it, RACETRACKS is the most played Racing variant. Period.

    But seriously. There was never any begging. We asked initially, and we were given. After that, it was only by their choice, or other communities putting it on.

    And we should have more DL's then we do? Are you taking a dump on my chest? Did you forget that I said it's the 4th most played variant? (As of early sunday to be exact...)

    If by most of you, you mean a couple hundred people. Then sure, but to 300,000 others, it's THE racing gametype. You can advertise your gametype on the PREMIER forging website, but you should also include the most popular one. Outline the differences if you must, but that is the fair way to go about things.

    EDIT: Especially considering that you're advertising Raceway, as the OFFICIAL variant. If you mean official as in the official Forgebattle ffa racing variant, then sure. However, you do not speak for the entire racing community in saying that it is the OFFICIAL racing variant.
    #22 loco, Nov 9, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009

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    Added RACETRACKS to the list and changed the section title.

    Dream, the mature thing would have been to just put both variants here. No one gave you permission to proclaim your variant the "official" racing variant.
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Wow loco, you're being way too nitpicky.

    The decision, when the thread was created, to choose Raceway over RACETRACKS was because it was better as a gametype for racing. If more people had RACETRACKS, why would it need to be posted in this thread of resource gametypes? Looking at each gametype side by side, Raceway's superior, so it should stay in this thread. Quality over quantity.

    Besides, it only has a lot of downloads because it had a lot more extra time on Bungie Favs compared to the other communities.
    #24 Black Theorem, Nov 9, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009

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    This isn't a discussin on which gametype is more preferable. Both gametypes are there now.
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    #26 x DREAM 76 x, Nov 9, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2009
  7. c u l8er

    c u l8er Ancient
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    I have offered my help several times. I have sent you friend requests and you have removed me. It is you that is distancing yourself from HaloTracks. I think your post count, lack of maps, and overall activity on HT reflect on this. You are always welcome to host tournaments, post maps, etc.


    When you say quality of a gametype a major aspect that comes to my mind is the amount of fans and the great community behind it. A good example is twitter. Did you know google has there own twitter? Its much better with a lot more features and it could take a dump on twitters chest any day. But then you ask yourself why is twitter better? Simple all of the celebrities are on twitter. Who dosent want to follow Lance Armstrong or Opera. Same thing with ForgeHub, I could make a better skin install vbulletin 4.0 and call it ForgeGods. Quality would be twice as good but the community and reputation of a great community would not be there. Its quite clear when it comes to quality every aspect of the gametype dominates the competition.

    Why have 1 eye when you can have 2 or 3? Not only does the wider range radar give you and idea how much of a lead you have on your opponents it also gives you an idea how much ground you have to make up. RT is supported by the community and at HT we do not believe it intentionally wrecking people. The only reason for a 10 meter radar is to cut people off coming up to you. This still can be done with the wider range but as stated we do not intentionally crash people. Not to mention when you are draving the mongoose you can see/hear up to 5-10 meters behind you when racing. So if you were to ask me and the people that race in tournaments every day they would tell you that RT is perfectly set up with racing and tournaments in mind. Why see 5 meters when you can see 20 or 30?

    lol and RT dosn't remove these things? If you raced as much as HT does then you would know most of the common sense things. 15 seconds is a very long time enough time to drive across the map. There are multiple tracks that I can point out off the top of my head that are not compatible with the 15 sec goal movement. RT is compatebale with every track even the short tracks. The average gametype/mapmaker would know to reduce the double point problem he would place the goal in a fast moving spot on the track. Or perhaps if you were as smart as me you would just use King of the Hill and eliminate all problems. But all followers must follow so don't step off my yellow brick road.
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I thought it was obvious, but people that are 20-30 meters away can't pass you... Also, the wider radar makes it more difficult to determine where another racer is in relationship to you. With the 10 meter radar, you can more accurately tell how fast a person is gaining on you each lap and can make adjustments to your racing to better protect your lead. And, yes, not wrecking people is fine for HT and RT, but I'm sure the majority of ForgeHubbers like being able to defend their lead, or be aggressive in attempting to take the lead. I find it is much more fun and competitive than just watching as someone passes you in fear of being booted.

    No, last time I checked, which was yesterday, RACETRACKS still had shields. Maybe the people using the gametype just weren't up to date. As for your insults, I started racing long before half of your community did, and have been doing so ever since. Just because I don't like terrain tracks, doesn't mean I race any less or that I have any less "common sense." I challenge anyone at HaloTracks to beat me on a skytrack. As for the few tracks that are under 15 seconds, you can just change the time to accomodate (you can do so with longer tracks, too, but I have never seen anyone using the RACETRACKS variant do that). Also, an ADVANCED gametype/mapmaker would realize that checkpoint placement will not affect double points nearly as much as the checkpoint moving 50% more times per game... And, finally, if you are so smart with your KotH variant, why aren't you lobbying for that to be a main FFA racing variant instead of RACETRACKS? Contradict yourself much?

    Edit: The fact of the matter is: neither gametype is superior to the other. Both suit their respective playstyles well, and should be used accordingly. Raceway works better for people that like contact and playing "dirty" while RACETRACKS is better set up for more tournament style racing.
    #28 ShaddoBlade, Nov 9, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    First off Raceway has always had a 25 meter radar. I agree with Shaddo that this is more logical because when people get real close, their dot gets much bigger. You can avoid near by collisions this way. I respect the fact that you chose 75 meters to switch the option, but I find 25 meters more useful.

    Next the goal movement set to 10 seconds option. This is the main flaw in the RaceTracks game variant. I know why you guys went with 10. You wanted to create a universal game variant, and I respect that. I have known that from the start. However, most tracks are well over 10 seconds. It would make more sense to have to once in a while switch it to 10, rather than have to always switch it to 15. Double points are much less common on 15. Common sense will tell you that. The ironic thing is, your first version had it set to 15.

    It would be great if Bungie added a new type of VIP goal movement for REACH. One that will eliminate the possibility of double points. Maybe call it like Race Goal or something. Have it have more time options. Or make a whole new system all together.

    As far as the friend list thing. You were off line for like a year. What was I supposed to do. I don't keep people on my list that I don't usually play with. It's nothing personal.

    As for the success of RaceTracks, I am happy for you guys. The bottom line is a lot of the racing fans here enjoyed using Raceway and other variants as well. I didn't realize that you needed to suck every last DL out of the public. I don't have anything against your group or your game variant. I just felt at the time, you and most of your group took no active participation here. It's fine altogether. Like I said RaceTracks was linked for a long time on the sticky. It was only recently removed due to the reasons listed above. Again, no hard feelings. It's all for the fun of playing Halo with a few friends.
  10. gomez015

    gomez015 Ancient
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    omg wat a waste of a thing
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    once again.


    If you two wish to keep bickering, take it to PMs. Any more nonsense will be infracted.
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I was just thinking that it would be nice if Bungie included a racing game variant for Halo Reach. I mean infection was popular in Halo 2 and they came out with a Halo 3 infection game variant.

    I think that if they included a racing game variant for Reach, that it would be very competitive and fun! It would be similar to VIP. The only thing that I would suggest is to have a new type of goal. How about a two sided goal. One with like a green side and the other side red. Basically, you would be able to drive through the green side and not back through the red side. The red side would have like an invisible barrier preventing mongooses from driving back through the goal point the wrong way.

    The goal movement should have more time options. Or create a whole new point system. Basically, double points would not be possible. It could be called like Racing Goal or something. Once you go through the goal you would not be able to get points until you come back around through the goal. The goal could even maybe have like man cannons built into the goal. Once you go through the goal, it will give you a speed boost so you can't stay in the goal.

    Another suggestion could be having maybe in vechicle traits. Basically, you could have traits that apply only to players in a vehicle. That would be really helpful. Being able to throw equipment from the back of a mongoose would be cool too!

    One last suggestion would be to have assassination points enabled for VIP or a racing game variant, like in the Slayer game variant. You would be able to set a negative point if you wanted to for an assassination during the game.

    Well, I hope that Bungie will take some of these ideas into consideration. If you have any comments on these ideas, or some additional ideas, please feel free to post them. Thanks!
    #32 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 4, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
  13. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I think that would be great Dream. I like the destination idea. I think instead of having man cannons, you just go through regular speed, be you can not stay there and get points, you have to drive through it or else it would automatically push u forward, like grav lifts do except keep regular speed when crossing it, essentially, stronger powered grav lifts integrated into the destination.
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Raceway is now featured on Bungie favs! I just want to thank Rouge Shaddo for pushing for the game variant since day one. A lot of testing has gone into the BT game variants and now the world will have a chance to DL the games. Thanks again to everyone who supported the games!
  15. FSC Nightmare

    FSC Nightmare Ancient
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    Very nice post, hopefully people will use this to make some really good race maps like the one's that are out there on the fileshare's of thousands.
  16. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    This is very helpful because I am making my first racetrack soon and I heard there was a post of someone's forge techniques to line up pieces correctly and I cant find it anymore, can someone help me?
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    BT game variants updated on 4/17/10.
  18. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    I know it's not up there but it was mentioned in the Forge Battle topic, what is Battle Vampire?
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    It's just like Battle Snipes with a twist. The shooter on back has shields that do not recharge. However, if you hit someone you steal their shields! There are a few other differences. Everyone should DL it and see how they like it. Thanks!
  20. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    Yay! I helped. I feel very special. But along with what you said earlier in this post. About the new reach gametype idea. It is really a great idea. We should push this to urk. Maybe he might like it and approve of it. Who knows, anything can happen.

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