New shot I took. I thought I should take an Elite shot, seeing as there aren't a whole lot of them around lately. Let me know what you think.
Wow, that looks sick. The only thing that bothers me is the bright spot on the leg and the right corner, but other than that i love it! 5/5
Yeah, the red spot on the arm is bugging me a lot. I'll probably do a retake. It's so weird and out of place.
Wow. Again you have made an excellent screenshot. I think this has to be my favorite picture of an Elite out of all the pictures I've seen. I don't really see the right leg as much of a problem, I'm guessing the secondary weapon is a needler. Anyway great choice of armor and weapons. Another great picture by a great taker. 5/5 P.S How did you do it?
Nice picture! I love the colors and the flow of the pic. I agree with the fact that the bright spot on the leg is kinda distracting but other than that I think it looks pretty great!
wow amazing. theres so much going on in this pic.Bright colors looks great. makes me want to have a seizure
this is really good, i love this effect, you used it well =] and for whoever wants to know, you take a golf tee and stand it straight up, then put 2 red lights and 2 blue lights alternating on the flag side of the tee. then i think in this pic he had poor camo, or waited for the camo to run out