@Insane54 - I'm buying it tomorrow, my bank cheque doesn't come through until then. I've loved it on the 360, so I imagine it'll be ****ing brilliant on PC. People will even play TF2! + Gmod! OT: Completed crysis. Woah.
Iv had my account for Steam for about 5 years now or so lol. TF2 told me too iv been playing it since 2006, and i got a badge to wear with it. But yeah if you want a good fun experience TF2 on the Computer is teh best you can get. Valve has been updating the hell out of it, with new achievements per class, along with extras, like making your own unique weapons, Hats, and more levels to play on. Im on my Mac nowadays, but all of them still run wonderful like they did on day one. Now just have to wait for Gmod to hit the Mac OS (which is soon actually), so im thrilled for that XD
mine: dloe48 I have portal(free) and Killing Floor I want to get TF2 sometime soon, but that might cut into my reach money :/ Killing floor is a fun zombie co-op game BTW.
I'm downloading now, I expect I might be on later tonight, If not, I'll be on in the next couple of days. Look forward to it --- I'm round my girlfriend's tonight, I'll be on tomorrow at some point. Everyone down for some TF2 action?
Steam ID: YourMomIzGOD I mostly play CS:S. Good game. They're revamping nearly the whole thing soon. Has a great mapmaking system (although i will say it's 100 times better, yet 100 times more complex than H3 forge.) Add me though, even if you dont get CS:S.
If most of us have tf2, we should be doing some stuff together in groups :O. Ill add anyone in here, i have like no one to play tf2 with.
Alright so for the next 10 hours or so you can get Killing Floor for $5, 75% off. This game is freakin sweet, it's like Left 4 Dead, except good. Requires real teamwork, much deeper gameplay, less gimmicks. More varied and definitely scarier gameplay, less "sit on a turret and mow down thousands of zombies". The maps are also cleverly designed and you can't just sit in a corner anymore. I highly, highly recommend it, if you can get it, get it now while it's still $5, but it's totally worth the base price of $20. I've also got Counter-Strike Source, which is of course an awesome game, though a little too hardcore for me to really compete in yet. Lastly, I've gotten Civilization IV, which in the same deal as Killing Floor, is $10 for the complete thing. I've always been a big Civ fan, never got a chance to play IV and I'm really enjoying it.
Balls, I've missed out. I've lost my internet (for 29 days now). We've ordered a new BT package, Orange failed us. New router, ISP and everything, gets here on Friday. Hopefully play with you guys soon after.