Bought Nexuiz and can't run it.... so far thats gta4, nexuiz, and Amnesia that I bought and couldn't run.... Damn it. And gaming laptops are expensive. I'm going to have to steal one.
I bought Age of Empires III: Complete Collection for £7.45, LIMBO for £1.75 and I just bought Bang Bang Racing for £2.71. God I love this sale.
a lot of people, including myself, dont have room for a desktop. my laptop works fine though. i got it a year ago, a dell XPS for like 11 or 12 hundred. its not really a gaming laptop, but it works fine. every game ive played on it (starcraft 2, portal 1 n 2, fallout 3, assassin's creed 2, brotherhood, and revelations, NFS hot pursuit, and some more) i can run at max graphics settings with no problems, so i figure it should be fine with all games that come out in the next year or so. i just bought dead island and nexuiz, adding to ass creed 2, brotherhood, and revs, fallout 3, nfs hot pursuit, torchlight, and the binding of issac all for about $52. not too bad. the only thing im really looking for to go on sale again is oblivion, id love to get it with all dlc for 5 bucks.
I think I'm done buying games now, I've spent prolly north of 50 bucks and have enough stuff to last me a while. I'm tempted to get Killing Floor but on the fence right now. -Shogun 2 complete edition -Empire Total War -Star Wars KotoR -Deus Ex: HR -Recettear -Fallout 3 GOTY -Dragon Age Origins -Sim City 4 -Civ 4 Complete edition lots o' RPG's and strategies.
Thanks to Morrowind going on sale, I now own every game that Bethesda Game Studios has made that is available on steam.
I've bought 2 things so far. ;-; THERE'S NOTHING I WANT TO GET. I also have like 40-ish games even before the sale, so....
I picked up Oblivion as well. Anyone know of a good graphical mod compilation akin to MGSO for Morrowind? I'd rather not mess with doing everything individually.
its just a download code theyre selling, not a physical product with limited quantities. they can sell it as cheap as they want, with no consequence. they still make money with every sale. another reason, and probably the main reason, is using the huge sale as an advertisement tool. a lot of people would never even make a steam account if it wasnt for this huge sale.
That's just overkill.. Last day of Steam Sale, and again, nothing calls out to me. -.- I'm probably going to get Torchlight and Arkham City though, I've heard good about both of them.
Anybody played the batman games yet on pc? I'm so tempted to pick em up with the last bit of cash I have left in my steam account but I refuse to deal with GFWL's DRM crap. that goes for Anno 2070 too.
I own Fallout 3 GotY on Steam and it uses 3rd Party GFWL DRM. It's honestly not bad. All you have to do is sign into your LIVE account. And there's always a way to bypass it, too.