Stealth is back map pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Resix, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    So, I decided to get back into forging, which is something I really enjoy and I decided I would make a couple of maps instead of one at a time. Im trying to have a little diversity with the feel and style of the maps too so that they aren't the normal run of the mill maps. Without further ado, here are the maps so far.

    Bedlam CY (Shortened from bedlam city)
    As you can see, this is a city map that is designed for big team battle. It plays really well so far. The only thing I need to do to finish it is to set up all the gametypes I want on it and improve spawns.

    Small CQC map meant for 4v4, maybe more for slayer or objective games. Need to work on spawns and gametype placement.
    Map overview Red side
    Map overview Blue side
    Close up of the base design
    Mid map, needler and rocket spawn
    Mid map sniper spawn
    Teleporter to rocket spawn

    This map started out as just some fooling around and has turned into a big team battle/ mutliteam map.
    View of all teleporters at the top of the map
    View of bottom mid
    Another overview

    This map is greatly inspired by one of my favorite SWBF maps with my own creative take on it. Still a WIP with aesthetics and other block placement. Gonna be meant for big team battle or 4v4. Both slayer and objective based games.

    One final overview
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Well, I think I'm going to be the only one to say this, the maps look thrown together. I like some ideas that you made for your structures, but the aesthetics you tried to create look horrible. Eg: Rock Seastacks in the walls. Some parts of each map look interesting, but it all looks really sloppy, and too many steep inclines.
  3. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    I feel like you're talking about the map retake. Those pictures aren't the finished product, seeing that I got rid of all the rock structures, but they were the only one I had in my recent screenshots of the map. Also, none of my maps are "thrown together" I plan out each map on pen and paper all with the idea of promoting gameplay more than aesthetics. I'm frankly tired of seeing all these maps that look exactly the same so I went for something different in order for the game to play how I felt it would play best.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Overturn looks terribly sloppy. It seems you just threw out random structures at the bottom with no access to the top besides teleporters/man cannons which isn't too good for gameplay. Upheld looks cool though.
  5. LBS

    LBS Forerunner

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    Upheld LOOKS cool, but I don't see how this can be a fun map to play... same counts for 1 and 3.

    Only one I'm interested in is Retake, because it looks like it might actually be a nice map to play, although I'd have to see more to judge.
    Bedlam is just a bunch of big buildings mostly made out of big piece forge stuff, Overturn is extremely chaotic, even in a screenshot and the bottom looks like you ran out of inspiration and just re-used every structure. And Upheld looks like an 'hey, this looks really funny'-idea turned into a real map. And although it looks refreshing, I don't think you can really play a good normal match on this, unless you come up with some special game type suited for it.

    But maybe I'm just being a douche and being overly pessimistic. But I'd really try to put less repetitive stuff in your maps. If something looks nice, don't overuse it, because then it won't look nice anymore at all.
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    I'm actually changing this map because I didn't really like the bottom either. I'm going to work on keeping everything up in the top part of the map and customize it better.

    I'm making a custom gametype that will play like Star Wars Battlefront involving territories and sick custom loadouts, all for Upheld.

    Retake is actually a sort of remake from one of my most successful maps in Halo 3, won me a contest. And I made it to resemble that map as much as possible with some new twists to improve flow and gameplay.

    Bedlam is a lot more than what it seems. It plays phenomenally. Everyone who has play tested it so far has loved playing slayer on it and the vast space in it makes things interesting and allows for some sweet shenanigans.

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