Stay Alive v4.1 This is NOT a double post of stay alive v4 there is many differences form the v4. The upgrades are: Much more merging Geo merging More small buildings Better wepon placemant Stay alive v4.1 is a stategy zombie game the map has a few wepons wepons never spawn and have no spare clips. The zombies die from one head shot have 75% gravity and 150% speed and start off with energy swords and plasma pistols. The humans spawn with a pistol and all normal qaulitys. Now on to the pics human spawn zombie spawn zombie spawn after 20 seconds The human spawn has 3 different entrances.The front entrance, the back entrance, and the top entrance. front entrance back entrance top entrance storage house(by som 1 u dont no) rocket spawn ruins 1 ruins 2(by som 1 u dont no) ruins 3 tower entrance tower top run down house overveiw 1 overview 2 overview 3 Thanks to som 1 u dont no for taking the pics and the storage house, ruins 2, and for geomerging for me. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Please rate and download
interesting, but i think rthe rocket is unessesary and that 75% gravity and 150% speed wouldnt work on foundry, but ive never tryed it so i dont know.
cool idea of the whole zombies in the town kind of thing. but to add some constructive criticism i would like to say that the buildings could have been a little bigger . that always helps man trust me bigger is gooder. anyways yeah good idea and stuff.
Well, i think you should make the buildings a little bigger, or at least add some more smaller (maybe even movable) structures made out of barriers, or a truck or whatnot inbetween because it still seems a little open. Also, those corner walls ontop of the boxes need another corner wall interlocked the opposite way if you have some more left.
This is a very good attempt for an infection map. However, there are far too many open areas for the humans, I suggest you add a mongoose or some type of vehicle. But otherwise the buildings look pretty good. Nothing special, just a lot of good stuff here. Overall, I'd say 6.9 and 3 stars.
Don't delete the pictures from Photobucket, this removes them from the thread. I'll check back to see if you added them again
Use the unlimited budget glitch to bypass that issue. Anyway, looks pretty well made but too open, zombies will be destroyed if the exit any of the buildings due to lack of cover. There are still some spots where the interlocking is a bit odd, but overall it is well done. Basically, it just needs more cover. Anyway, nice map, 3/5.