Lumen One of my first symmetrical maps on the H4 Forge. I originally thought the impact pieces where too simple and would not make good additions to forge. Then I got the idea to prove myself wrong. This map uses the simplicity of the basic tube shape pieces with a little twist. I made an "inside the space station area" with normal gravity (I have what look like 4 grav generators at the four ends of the station) and the "out in space area" which has a more "space like" feel for your movement. I have shield doors at the exits to space so you know when you go between gravities. I also made a slight twist on CTF modes that won't let you take the flag back straight through the middle (the obvious shortest route) but you instead have to use the multiple avenues of the map to get it back to your base. KOTH and Oddball are great because you really get to play the whole map well. The map is fully color coded so you can better orient yourself in-game. Also don't forget corner battles for days and mongooses for the crafty flag stealing team. P.S. Flying a mongoose through space off a grav lift...Really? Why would that work? Do not attempt. *Keep referring to the top down photo for better orientation of the location photos* Top down Center of map (in base) Back of Red base Grav generator at each end of the "X" shape of the map, left goes out to space lift and right takes you to the middle. Gav lift through space (and shield doors I talked earlier about) Shield doors on the outside and outdoor side area Outdoor middle area and telies entrance/exit (tele-porters) Other end of telies facing the middle area Please play it and give me some constructive feedback.