Hello fellow forgers! This is my first post here and would like to get some feedback of my new map Station 24. This map is a space station and it is a decent sized map made for Infection game types. I used most of the budget and almost all of the resources to create this. I made this map because I like the feel of the space station maps and tight corridors are really fun and challenging. I pushed most of the Budget and almost all resources. Now on to my map. Spawn: 10 second kill time to prevent camping here. Outside of spawn: There are three paths you can take here Holdout Point: These are semi-protected places with a machine gun an a little fortification. Maintenance tunnels: This is a quick way to get around the station. I will leave the rest of my map for you to explore! Have fun and be sure to give some feedback, also feel free to use your own game types. Enjoy my first map! Please take a couple minutes to explore my map!
Very nice, infection maps on spaceship's/stations just have a awesome feel. They remind me of Deadspace. I didn't get to play a full match on it yet, but i walked around a little bit and was pleased. I like the aesthetics. I'm not so sure how the gun torrent will work in infection, but eh. I would remove a few coils here and there, mainly wheres there 3 coils. But overall 3/5 Nice map, good design.