
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by C0RRUPTl0N, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]Sword Base meets Construct in this versatile, aesthetic, and game play focused creative map variant. Although I have several submitted map threads from halo 3, and have completed 2 other workable competitive maps on Reach; none of them hold a fraction of the success I stumbled upon when creating this one. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]

    Back Story:
    Static gives the player multiple avenues to which they can utilize game-play because of the originality in it's design. I have to admit that so far on Reach I've personally been hit and miss when it comes to successful forging ideas. Either I couldn't put together what I saw in my mind or I could and the results would be below satisfactory when compared to some of the elite maps that are being dished out on a daily bases from experienced forgers. I have been passionate about forging for years; ever since the release of Halo 3 when I discovered how to merge immovable objects on foundry. Throughout my personal experience as a forger I feel that I was always going for the "wow factor," due to the fact that I always weighed my efforts towards the aesthetics in a map only to get an end result of a gorgeous creation but that lacked seriously in the game-play department. Just before Reach came out I started to understand what it took to create a map that supports adequate game-play, though most attempts were I made to create a well working finished product were foiled due to lack of interest because I couldn't stay inspired without that aesthetic feel while creating a map. But, never the less I finished dozens of prototype maps that were solely based on practicing different types of game-play. When I first starting forging on Reach it was like a light bulb went off in my mind because I could actually see how Bungie created next every detailed aspect of a map's game-play.
    Long story short; I implore you to down load this map and run a custom game on it because now for the first time since I started forging I've mastered the ability to create dazzling aesthetics while utilizing great game play in which has proven in this map to be an epic combination that I am really excited to deliver to other players.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Map:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Static delivers a wide array of stock game types including; team slayer, FFA, swat, multi-team, oddball, headhunter, KOTH, and crazy king. It is composed of 3 main levels all of which are composed of multiple battle friendly corridors along with quick accessibility both up and down it's vertical environment through a series of lifts and drop points for a fast pace with plenty of ninja space. The ground level provides access to multiple avenues a player can use to flank or quickly attack their opponent. For regular team slayer both the red and blue team starting spawns are located at the ground level, whereas multi-team games will spawn up to 5 players in different locations within the vertical environment. FFA games are similar in the spawning aspect to that of multi-team. The center or core as I call it is where the rocket is housed, this section of the map seems to play similar to the upper deck of Refection or center of Condemned. It has 5 points of entry routing from different sections of the map. There are a total of 5 lifts all directing a player to the corresponding section directly above them besides the main lift. The main lift is located in the center of the interior portion of the basement or ground level; using multiple vehicular lifts, the main lift elevates a player to the top of the map where they are then above the rocket room or core of the map and have the ability to drop into it but in doing so will sustain a small amount of damage upon landing.
    The weapon list is as follows:
    DMR x 12
    Needler x 2
    Plasma Repeater x 1
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Sword x 1
    Shotgun x 1
    Rockets x 1
    Frags x 6
    Plasma Grenades x 8

    [FONT=&quot]( All weapons are set at a specific re-spawn time along with a adjust amount of spare clips to utilize optimum game-play)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Because of the fact that STATIC is located in a small portion of the indoor section of forge world; screen shots can only describe so much. In fact one of the most surprising things about this map is how big it feels while being located in such a small amount of space. Below are just a small variety of locations with in the map. I will try to label each location and hopefully you can get a mental image from the description I provided above.

    Lower level far side (red spawn side)

    Lower level far side (Blue spawn side)

    Lower level - directly beneath the center core room facing main lift. 2nd picture in main lift facing cores main support or center peace of lower level.

    In the above picture is the main lift located in the interior part of the lower level. The adjacent hallways run long ways throughout the lower level of the left side of the map. Here is a picture from red side looking down the corridor and the main lift would be at the half-way point to the left mid-way down the hall.

    The picture below is a slightly elevated view of the opposite end of the hall on blue side looking down and slightly peering into one of the rooms on the second level.

    The following pics are just a variety of shots taken from different angles of the second and 3rd levels of the map, in particular their routes into the core of the map.

    The Core (houses rockets and has 5 entry points including from above and below.
    Third floor blue spawn side against the far middle edge of map. This leads in to the core from a balcony style one way entry point. This level also circles around the entire map with another elevated center drop point located above this point directly above the core.

    This next few pics are just a few shots also taken from the 3rd level of the map. This first shot sort of peers down at the multiple levels of the map. Its located on the opposite side of the 3rd level just past the center. The following shot is one of the 3rd level corridors, there is another similar one adjacent to this one on the far side of the map. Both of these rooms are easily accessible via lifts from the second level.
    Again this map is extremely complex and in a tough location to get decent screen shots. I have tested the map itself over 30 times and made close to thirty versions. Its clean, quick, competitive, versatile, and most importantly fun. Please leave any comments regarding the map after downloading it. I am a reasonably experienced forger and promise this map is worth a look. Also view it in custom games to avoid screen lag. I ironed out as much of it as I could but in forge mode there is still a slight bit, but in customs there's none. Any issues or things I may have made a mistake on or missed please feel free to leave instructional criticism. Thanks, for viewing my first thread in like for ever, I'll be sure to fix any grammar errors later when I get everyone telling me how bad of a speller I am, don't worry it's true.

    Enjoy this and please comment on how it plays, yours truly:


    #1 C0RRUPTl0N, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  2. Rothmeyer

    Rothmeyer Forerunner

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    Your download link isn't working.
  3. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    I had the DL link at the bottom linked with the name in red. Thats how they used to have us do it. No matter I saw what you were talking about and fixed it.

    I cant figure it out. I have not been one since things were different. To DL click on the red word static at the bottom.
    #3 C0RRUPTl0N, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You can't have edited thumbnails. You will get an infraction for it.
  5. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
    Senior Member

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    K, I have to edit this. Things have changed. I'll fix it.
  6. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    this map is intense! there are so many different levels you could control. Every part of it is colorful. You did a great job of masking most of the coliseum... there are just a few minor problems.
    1. nothing seems to be on a coordinate
    2. somehow you managed to have some z fighting
    3. frame rate issues out the butt

    this map is so cool and you really have a gem here it just needs to be polished
    although the lights give this a great effect many of your frame rate issues can be solved by removing them. If you want any help just add me on xbl the o in tom is a zero
  7. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    I appreciate the complements. And yes it's been over 2 months and 30 copies polishing and ironing out the screen lag. I did for the most part, I would say 98% fix that problem. You looked at the map in forge, please, and this goes to anyone viewing it. The item max has been hit and crunched and hit and crunched so many times. Please try any of the game types I have listed in a custom game. I have did over 30 tests and just ran a 16 player red vs blue slayer game for pics a few minutes ago. It works, just lags in forge. I put allot of detail, and merged so much that its way slower that way. Anyway thanks, and trust me there is no need for farther tweaking of the frame lag, I have it as good as its going to get with what I want in the map. But god, thanks for actually looking, no one else seemed to bother.
  8. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    np downloding. there was lag in a custom game it was just cuz of the lights, no big deal if you have everything the way you want it. but there is issue 2 and 3 and thats still something to look into. your z fighting i only saw in 2 places. but coordinates are necessity... they ensure a balanced map among other things. it took me a little while to convert and use these coordinates but its a big payoff in the end. You end up learnign how some pieces fit together and it makes things so much easier. Essentially its the difference between using a rotation snap and no snap. some pieces im sure you know move over time and this can be countered by using coordinates also. some giant things still move slightly.
  9. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    well, I appreciate the input. I never used to use coordinates as I have always did it by feel since the beginning. I will check out what you are talking about and see what I can do about the z fighting, I'm not even sure what that means, I've been forging outside of forge-hub for over a year. I know how to use the coordinates. I really don't feel like creating another copy but let me know if you find anything else problematic. thanks
  10. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    z fighting is when two objects "fight" to see wich object renders on your screen. it itself causes some framerate. im not trying to bunk your forging abilities, I was VERY VERY impressed you did all of this without coordinates. Simply put, i think it would just put your abilities over the top.
  11. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    I hope I don't get infracted from replying to you all these times, wish others would comment on it. "Z fighting," lol, you mean "flicker," That's what us old school forgers used to call it. I know the locations your talking about. I did not realize it could result in screen lag. See I always figured better to have it smooth with a bit of flicker than have a bump. Never the less, you seem to know your stuff when it comes to Reach forging. If you are impressed with my non-use of coordinates then I implore you to take a look at some of my other maps from H3, in particular cold fusion. Check the date, I did all that with out grids or ghost merging (which is present day phase) objects they were all floated and anchored until fit together perfectly, and most incredibly every box was color coated blue. haha. I guess that may be why I can design with out coordinates. Please, add me on xbox live, my new gamer tag is KSI C0RRUPTION, or just look on bunge. It would be great to work with ya sometime.
  12. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Ohai! I didn't see you there Corruption! No, really, I couldn't find this map buried so deep in the competitive maps section. But I'm here now, and that's all that matters. When I had abandoned my post for almost six months, and came back to find this wonderful map in a game you forced me to join, I was astonished. My how things have changed since the Halo 3 days when we were all just a bunch of chumps playing in a sandbox with our little plastic shovels. I remember how many times you told me Static was much more than just one of your classic maps floating out in the skies of Avalanche. It has that aesthetic touch that doesn't tamper with the gameplay, unless you're in forge mode of course, and even then the lag wasn't that big of a deal. The first thing that caught my eye was the lift that reminded me so much of Construct. It just looks so nice. Everything about this map reminds me of why I quit forging, and that's not a bad thing either. I could never match up to the potential Forge World has given us. When I first spotted an image of Forge World on, I knew that this would be the Sandbox-killer, yet it wasn't. Whenever I step onto Forge World, all I see is an inventory of bland objects that I can't do anything with. Yet here we are Corruption. Static is such a wonderful map that has potential, and I assumed it would get more attention that it has gotten. I would love to get into matchmade game on this map Corruption. [Insert smiley face here]
  13. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Well Thanks for the flashback bud! Yeah, I thought this map would get a bit more attention as well. But, nevertheless thanks for playing on it, and for your download, I hope it catches a few more eyes because it's a great map.

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