Hey all. This is my small asymm map built for FFA's. It features three towers, each offers a unique combat setting to operate on. Between these towers is a field of rock pillars, offering cover or ambush opportunities. --- The map is equipped with a: DMR Spiker Needle Rifle Shotgun Magnum Needler They spawn at 40sec and have +1 clip each. The E. Sword and Fuel Rod are also in less than accessible locations. They spawn at 50sec and have no spare. 14 Grenades total. 7 Stick 7 Don't They respawn every 30. --- It's a rather small map, and I built it for fast paced, short/mid range combat. Similar to Battle Creek in that aspect. There are two Mongoose on the map, one at each larger tower. I'm not sure they're entirely necessary, they might just be nice to mash some crap up in the center. Thoughts? Overview 1: Overview 2: Center: Center Overview: Tower A: Tower B(Base): Tower B(Top): Tower C: Thanks for your time and if you download I'd appreciate critique/feedback. Enjoy! -WW
I really like this map! It's really unique for some reason. I think it's because it actually uses the map geometry as part of the flow of the map. I have yet to test gameplay but aesthetically, amazing work!!! You might want to hide the red light in a rock though
Thanks! That was kinda why I liked it so much. Honestly, I am impressed daily by the maps I see being made in the community. I just don't see them being mixed up often enough (or maybe just not to my taste), so I made something to my taste, hoping I might smoke out others who share this style. I felt we could use some more maps that are wicked functional AND aesthetic. The fun, functional ones seem "gray-heavy", and the aesthetic ones utilizing natural elements are often massive and restricting to certain types of play. This is my attempt at a remedy for this. I'd like opinions/advice on spawning, and weapon locations and placement. You're right, after being forced to stare at those lights myself, they do look a little obnoxious, I'll likely move them down or see how the flashing reds would look instead.
Yo, im in progress of making a youtube video displaying great maps up for download. Yes you will get full credit of your map. Hit me up if your interested. my gamertag: FFRANCIS30
dude pretty wicked... i like the wall outside of the play area it gives a really cool effect.... i haven't played on it... and i know that feedback is ment for when you played on it but i thought this one was to cool... good work ill give it a dl.
i downloaded your map based solely off the pictures, which is a good thing. the map, in the pictures looks pleasing. so, i tried it out. i started up a game alone to run around and get a feel for the terrain. i wasn't sure right off the bat how to traverse it properly, which is important to know even at first play through. how do you get to the distant building in the side of the mountain? (if you explained how in your post i did not read it, with a purpose.) would love to collaborate, hit me up. i hope i didn't sound mean. i'm not. just being honest. and like i said, it looks very good from the pictures
I'm planning on downloading this map. This just might be the best asymmetrical map I have seen yet in Forge. I do know though, its not the best asymmetrical map I have ever seen in anything because I know its not as good as Ascension just from the pictures lmao. Ascension is awesome. And by the way, Pinnacle is NOT Ascension and is garbage; it doesn't even have a Banshee on it lmfao! I can't wait to check this map out. It reminds me a lot of Ascension for some reason. Its almost like Ascension reversed since the middle area is more leveled.
Thanks! I'm glad you appreciate the aesthetics! Let me know what you think if you play on it, I'd like your opinion. Thanks for the feedback! Don't worry about sounding mean, I appreciate your opinion as it helps me consider aspects I might not have. For example, you said that the building at the side of the mountain is hard to get to. I put it there for decoration, so the environment has some variety, and it is supposed to be inaccessible. I put a kill boundary in it, but your feedback tells me I should make it look less "inviting", and more decorative. If I'm even thinking of the right building. I will take your advice on traversing the map, and see if I can make it a little more sensible to navigate. I'd be down to collaborate some time just pm your gamertag or something. Thanks again for the feedback. Haha, no, Ascension was a stroke of asymmetrical genius. It's difficult for Pinnacle to even hold a light to it, I couldn't imagine one of my maps being that nigh-perfect soon. Still, I'm glad to hear it reminds you of that map. Be sure to tell me what you think after you play it. Thanks a lot!
hey dude i played on it just today.... swat... and the ground parts where amazing the rocks are placed perfectly and the cover for the tops of the bases where pretty nice. but the bases them selfs are really really confusing you dont know which end is what.... i think it lacks flow..... but i think it lacks flow because of the ansthetics.... so i dunno. i would like a little more flow and a little less walls? just my thoughts.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: p.s. the one base i really do like though is the big one hanging off the cliff with the manncannon.
I ran through this bad boy yesterday for a bit and I was impressed. The structures you created are awesome. They are very inventive and you did a great job of using certain objects in unique ways. The height at which the map lies gives a really cool feeling to the map as well. Also, good use of the natural scenery (rocks) to break up the map a bit. My one criticism is that the two smaller structures/buildings on the sides feel very cramped. There is not much space to move around and it seems you went for height in your buildings rather than width. The multi-leveled approach is awesome but you need to widen it out a bit so people can move around easily.
This is awesome critique. Thank you guys so much. I really needed some solid opinion like that so I can update the map to function better. So now I know that the bases could use some more elbow room on their platforms, as well as reference to tell where you are on the towers. You're right, I wanted to go more multi-leveled than usual, I just need to make it work in a more function-able way. This will be changed in the next update. If you spot anything else, please feel free to tell me what's up, I can take the critique. I appreciate the time and thought that all of you have put into this fellas.