I'm working on a map (more like a million. At once) called Static, and I need some spawn work help on it. It's really tiny, made for 1v1 and 3 person FFA is starting to push it, and I've never really learned anything on spawns for maps this size. It has two levels and a little back hallway. At the moment is has maybe 11 spawns just scattered around the map. I haven't gotten much spawn killing, if any, but you tend to keep on spawning in the same place, or at a better weapon/ vantage point than you had before. Either post up or send me (x TeXn) a friend request on XBL with some tips on this. Maybe later today I'll try and get a map layout posted.
For a 1v1 map, you will probably need no more than 10 spawn points, and 2-4 starting points. Don't go over the top on starting points, for every area you only really need one or two. Make sure they have some good cover around them but also so they have plenty of space infront of them. You also need to be very careful to where they point, as where a player first looks is usually where he'll go. For spawn areas you need to divide your map into sections, so you can place a spawn area in each. An example would be Guardian. Blue and Green both have their own spawn areas, because they have their own sections. Blue is almost entirely sealed off from the rest of the map. You would be safe spawning in there so long as nobody else did, and you are capable of defending it as well as attacking from it. You need to split your map into sections that people would be capable of spawning in, defending from and then attacking from. 2-5 spawn areas would be sufficient.
Matty's right on with the amount of spawn points, but I'd go so far to say that you don't need any respawn areas for a 1v1 map if it's as small as you say it is. Just let the spawn points do what they're supposed to do and run some more tests with it. I'd highly recommend reading more on 1v1 setups right here. Try Zanno's gametype and see if you can tweak your map to allow for the powerup settings.
All right. And I'll try to get a a layout up so you see how small it actually is. Also, I saw the spawns on Ak Gumby's kurvraque whatever are just like every single spawn scattered inthe middle.