State Pen

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Murdock Sampson, Jul 27, 2008.


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  1. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    thanks... but constructive criticism is the best...
  2. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Lol all that junk o n the shower floor looks like a dead body.

    It looks really good except I think it's a bit simple in places. I prefer cops n robbers maps to be prisons these days but I suppose the older style of cops n robbers can still be good.
  3. The Juice Guy

    The Juice Guy Ancient
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    this is awesome its so realistic and i love the food that turns you green
  4. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    i was full of giggles reading the hide and shank details
    very cool
    great job 5/5
  5. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    Coolio! Probably the best jail map I ever saw.
  6. stevobo852

    stevobo852 Ancient
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    normally i dont like a cops a robbers game but this looks like a very big map which i like so it should be fun =]
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    nice idea for the showers... and nice merging
  8. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Thanks guys for the vote of confidence and the positive feedback, but i really do like constructive criticism. you know like where to expand to and that sort of stuff. I really don't want it for this map since I'm completely done with it, but any comments in general would be nice.
  9. MenacingCash

    MenacingCash Ancient
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    awsome map and gametypes
  10. firewolf34

    firewolf34 Ancient
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    Awesome map, it even has an electric chair!
  11. King of da sea

    King of da sea Ancient
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    love this map. and you have to love the "hide and shank" gametype. allthough it has many problems.. the cops cannot kill the inmates.. ect. i corrected them to what i think was intended. i do love playing this though. cant get enough. thanks for the great download!
  12. One Good Chief

    One Good Chief Ancient
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    Murdock, I just want to say thanks a ton for providing us with this awesome map. I don't really have time to work on making maps anymore, but I do like to mess around with other peoples and see what I can do to make it even better.

    When I loaded up your map for the first time, I saw so much potential to create an amazing game. And that I did. After playing a few games with friends, to see what I needed to do to create what I was seeking, I nailed it.

    I stripped the map down to it's bare bones and reworked everything to create one of the only honor rules free cops and robbers maps I've ever heard of.

    --Here are the things I've added--
    +Scoring system for inmates who are able to escape the prison
    +Completely revamped the scoring system making the gameplay much more tactical and intense
    +Security systems for cops
    +Scattered strategic hidden items and select weapons across the prison that provide inmates even more options for escape
    +Weapon confiscation system for cops to use on inmates
    +Intimidation weapons for cops (tasers and stun grenades)
    +Health and Resting system for inmates
    +Car keys that inmates may steal to escape in the police cruiser(warhog)
    +Sneaking system (carefully placed active camo powerups that provide inmates with a way to move around undetected. One is in the cell block and the other hidden somewhere in the prison)

    Scoring System may seem wacky, but makes the gameplay even more intense due to the challenge of the game and the craving to win.

    Cops may not score points, but will lose points if they use lethal force on an inmate. Just like in real life, a cops job is not to kill inmates. Lethal force only should be used if the inmate is threatening the officers life, or is making an escape. Your job is to contain and keep the prisoners alive, not to kill them and you will be penalised if you do so, although it can be nessesary at times.

    An inmate is awarded 1 point for being the last one alive, 5 for killing an officer, and 10 for escaping the prison. One thing I like, is how the game can quickly turn on a cop who decides to be an *** hole. With a knife(sword), camo, and only one way in to the cell block, it can be a very dangerous place for a cop to go and could quicly result in the cops being man down and one inmate gaining an easy five points.

    But anyways.. Just wanted to thank the TC for providing me with the awesome map to create an even more awesome game out of. Thanks a ton!
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