Im trying to start a team. If all goes as planned we will be doing gamebattles. Ummmm Thats all i have to say... Becides message me on xbl if you are interested. My gamertag is "iTz Rocker" (you dont have to change your gt)
i like to think i'm really good. in fact i am. i've always wanted to do gamebattles, but didn't know how to set it up. i'll join on one condition. you send ME a FR. i'm to lazy and forgetful to remember anyones. my gt is stin10
I suppose I could end up joining another team/clan again. However, I still need to change my gamertag from the last clan I left...
I could join it would be fun. I don't want to change my gamertag though since I just finished changing it. Gamertag is StoniesTeacher