My gamertag (it is already stated, but I'll say just in case) is x 2Awesome x v2. I'm looking for 3 more people that want to join a team. Any requirements are stated below: 1) Highest skill must be a legit 40-50 2) Must live in PST, CST, or EST. Basically anywhere in America or Canada. This is just because it'll be more convenient for scrimmages and tournaments. 3) Must enjoy most game modes. The ones I enjoy the most are Team SWAT, Team Snipers, Team Slayer, and Team Doubles (yes, I know that is only 2 people but there is always a chance not everyone will be on). I'm not a big fan of MLG, but I can do it. I'm also not a big fan of social games, but I will do them if I must. 4) Must have map packs. It's preferred for you to have them all, so we'll have access to all game modes. Here are my stats (go to if you want to see more): Rank: Brigadier Grade 2 Highest Skill: 45, in Lone Wolves (I know I didn't put that in the list of game modes I like, but it's easier by myself). Experience: 1053 Ranked Kill/Death Ratio: 1.07 Ranked Kills and Deaths: 21601 Kills, 20171 Deaths Ranked Games: 1883 Social Kill/Death Ratio: 1.28 Social Kills and Deaths: 4162 Kills, 3262 Deaths Social Games: 380 Top 3 Tools of Destruction: Battle Rifle (5851 Ranked kills), Melee (3098 Ranked kills), Sniper Rifle (2663 Ranked kills) Highest Ranked Medals: 3 Perfections, 2 Exterminations, 1 Untouchable, 11 Overkill Highest Social Medals: 1 Perfection, 1 Rampage, 2 Killtaculars That's all you really need to know. Don't message me on XboxLIVE, email me at because my Xbox's hard drive is broken. I will have a new one soon, it's already been ordered. *note*= Any stats here can go up or down, but this is it at the moment and will be this way until I get a new hard drive. *note #2*= I play more then just Halo 3. I have Gamefly so I can pretty much get any game.I will play with anyone on any game... I like. *note #3*= If I get enough feedback, I will start a Match Making clan for people that are within these requirements |:-D
I disagree with requirements 1 and 2. 2 is completely unfair, and 1 is pointless as TrueSkill doesn't determine how skilled you are.
They're pretty fair. Obviously, someone who has played ranked a lot and is a staff captain is probably not going to be as good as a colonel who has played the same amount of ranked games. Trueskill isn't accurate down to the last straw, but generally, if someone's a general, they'll be better than a staff captain. 2 is completely fair. Not only will the team be more easily in contact, they will have much less issues lag wise.
aMoeba is right. If you need help knowing how, I can try (even though I think aMoeba made it as clear as possible). Highest Skill might not pinpoint your EXACT skill but if I see a Captain with over 5000 EXP obviously he isn't qualified to play with and against Generals. And number two is just for convenience. If I have a team of 4 and two of them are 12 hours off, how many games will we all be able to actually play together? Of course it'd be very rare to get someone 12 hours off but you get my drift. I could very easily get someone from England, which is approximately 5-6 hours off. That means during the prime of my day (which I am usually best at playing games 5pm-7pm), they might already be tired which would cause their game to slip, making the team worse and not being a help at all.
And why shouldn't he be? Most people(myself included)are too lazy to play ranked games and get their highest skill up, but are actually good at halo. Instead of checking the highest skill, I would pay more attention to K/D ratio.
I didn't mean it like that, sorry. Let me be a little more clear: If I see a Captain with over 5000 EXP AND ALL HE PLAYS IS RANKED, he obviously isn't skilled enough to go against Generals. Is that better? I don't care if you are a booster or what, if you've played over 5000 ranked matches then you should have at least a 30 in something. And that's putting it lightly. But I still don't know what you mean by "lazy". Social matches and Ranked matches are the same length in most cases. Unless you mean you don't have the maps, I get it. But if you have all the maps, why would you continue to play Social? And the only other reason is if you play with more people then your favorited playlist allows. And you know what everyone? If you guys have such problems with what I stated, DON'T JOIN. I'm not sure if you just think it's stupid or if you're mad you can't join or what. If you don't want to join, then don't. It's that simple. And if you are right and someone isn't as good as I want them then guess what, I'll find someone else. Or, like I said, I'll get more then 4 people. It's... just... that... simple.