Okay, so it's pretty self explanatory. I've encountered this a couple times in my past few attempts at making a map that involved a whole lot of interlocking and little to no floating or geomerging. Basically, I'll start a new round some fifteen to twenty times in a single Forge session, interlocking as I go and making great progress on my map. But then, out of the blue, when I go to start another new round, it says "Game Over" and shuts out the game before I have an opportunity to save my latest workings. At first I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, that I was really hitting the "End Game" at the bottom of the menu instead of the "Start New Round," but after five or six more occurrances of this same mistake with me paying close attention, I've determined it to not be any error on my part. I have since started saving my work a lot more often. But this leads me to ask, has anyone else encountered this? It seems like there is a pattern to it, though I haven't looked at in depth enough to figure out... EDIT: Wow, looks like the Forge FAQ saves my arse again. WTG Jpec for being a n00b and not checking there first...
This happened to me when I made an infection map before I became a member of forgehub. In the last 3 months or so this has not happed. It might be a glitch with the objects or just your xbox lagging from to many saved games at once. Those are just suggestions. I don't have the real answerr and I don't think anybody else does either. Hope this never happens again. Try to save the game whenever you do something difficult like perfect interlocking or geoglitching. This will minamize the damage.
this has happened to me a lot. There are a certain number of rounds you can use until the game ends and foundrys is 32 i'm pretty sure.
Yeah, this happens to everyone. I didn't know about the 32-round limit though, thanks for that...how did you find out? Start new round 32 times? Did you double check? =P
This taught me to save right before I start a new round. I thought the same thing, and was just about to save after one interlocking, and it ends.
I remember someone posted this a long time ago asking the same question or at least telling us what happened. That's why it is highly adviceable to save and quit when you start a new round a lot. I'm sorry this happened to you but it happens to the best of us at the worst time possible. And since everyone's questions have been answered I think this thread is in for a lock from a moderator.