Stargate I saw somebody try this in forge a while ago and it wasn't very good, so I took it and improved it a lot. This Stargate is functional and teleports you from the gulch to the other side of the map above the pillar. Not much else to say so here's a few srceenies. Enter Portal Exit Portal
This idea is rather simple, yet impressive. I could see it being used in race map, I may look into that. Neat find man. far as looking like an aesthetically pleasing stargate from the show, Stargate SG-1, or Atlantis, or Universe, or from the movie (pick your poison, they're all similar stargates) This doesn't really look like a stargate. I mean other than it being a circle with blue in the middle that's about it. As far as a creative way to warp people across the map or from place to place I suppose this is a nice looking way to do it. I agree this would suit race maps well. But compare yours with this.
To Sniperbait: Pretty much, yeah. To PacMonster: I wasn't really trying to make it look like THE stargate from the the Stargate series, but rather just a generic version. Seeing that you can't create circular teleporter volumes, I had to make the frame of the gate squared so none of the excess teleporter volume is exposed.
Cool concept, nice use of the teleporter properties and aesthetics. Could be a cool thing to use in some casual or mini game maps.