i know its ignorant to say "the best" but i have spent some real time on this map it looks real good and out of the few others i could find mine looks the best and thats not just comeing from me lots of my friends think so to im new to geting maps publicised any pointers would be great Map http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28987127 screen shots entrance: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28995338 Complex Exit http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28995709 Gateroom http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28995407 Outside 1http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28995544 Outside 2http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28995456 Comand Bunker viewhttp://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28995669
I think you should go here: How to post a map ... other than that, i have to admit, it looks really really good... best fix your post and embed the screens so that other people can see ...
k let me host a game on the map so i can get some nice screen shots to embed Carter C please post a link to a "beter" stargate map i wana see what i have to beat
wow. this map looks really cool and i really love the portal type thing, its really flashy. P.s. photobucket is a lot better than image shack
Accurate, playable and oh so fun! I haven't seen any other stargate maps, but this one looks great to me. Hmm, maybe I'l get back to work on that Ori ship in Avalanche...
Maybe you could clean up your screenshot hyperlinks a bit that would help and make it a lot easyer to understand