Who is waiting for this game, i am and im getting sick of the long wait, i don't think they even have a release date yet. It was ment to be released last year but it was pushed back. Atm i even play starcraft 1 it is one of the most played games in the world.
Always loved Starcraft and I love the Starcraft 2 beta. The game is amazing, although the races are still a little unbalanced. Here's a picture of some of the Protoss, the graphics are lovable.
I didnt get into the beta, but i have this awesome cracked version.... the game's pretty good. I like terran, though they lack reliable anti air.
Do Want. Anyways, on topic, I remember seeing the first trailer for the game and jizzing in my pants. Just a while ago I saw that they were doing some pretty beast stuff for the campaign... I'm not too tired of waiting for this yet for now I'll just do what I've been doing for like 3 years now, distracting myself with other games
ALSO DO WANT..SOO BAD I played the First one and SUCKED at it, but it was still enjoyable. Lookin forward to the second.
The cracked version is very frustrating. All the AIs just sit there and build two marines or zealots except this one AI who either cheats or just wholesale kicks my sorry ass every time. Every time i dont use underhanded tactics that is.
that looks epic i could not get beta mainly because my internet is that bad, and atm i don't really have a computer to run it. hopefully buying a custom built gaming laptop in June. true i always really like zerg cause the could just swarm over enemies. i have been doing that to but im kind of getting worked up. it takes awhile to get used to starcraft 1 because it's alot different to these newer games trust me it does take a while. well thats sucks
I just downloaded a new and even better AI. I had no chance. He scouted me, which surprised me for an AI.
Any word yet on whether they'll bring back the map editor of epicness for Starcraft 2? I'm simply terrible at RTS games overall, but SC1 and WC3 both had amazing custom game lobbies.
They will, they talked about it last year. The map editors were amazing for both games, just that alone is worth the purchase.
I just checked my email yesterday and I was informed that I got accepted into the beta. The first game I played was against a blizzard employee, and I sucked it up. I still suck at it, but it's very fun. YouTube- Blizzcon 2009 StarCraft 2 Map Editor Epic.
Yeah, to sum things up, the starcraft 2 map editor is going to be the best RTS map editor ever created.
Well can anybody spare me $1000 bucks i need that money for a new computer i have $500 atm, i need that money for starcraft 2 lol, this game is going to be sick tho i hope the put ever effort into the game. it sucks hows there like 3 games
My friend just brought his laptop over to my work and showed me a little surprise . He got accepted into the beta and let me play a 1v1 match. Which I lost, but it was amazing, I'm already addicted. Damn you blizzard!