Your starting to catch my attention sir. Excellently well executed. That orange armor really stands out really well. But, here comes the negative side: It seems though the pose of the spartan is off. Your not really looking at his eye line. At the bottom left is an edge of light, which ruins the flow of the background. The sludge at the background looks colored like well, defecation lol. While i got that out of the way this helmet doesn't really fit this screen, not that i hate the mark 6 personally its just you need more variety in your screenshots then just mark 6. And since the fact that the real master chief who uses mark 6 is colored green, then its just awkward to see that mark 6 is colored orange, the exact opposite of green. This is my opinion and only trying to help.
Yes it would be extremely hard to redu, cuz i had 4 controllers doing different things so im not going to make another one like this, but i am going to change up my armor. i like how the normal armor looks, but ill agree with you golfme that it gets boring. When i get my xbox back im gunna make a ton of different odditys, or i will try to at least. But im having a ton of trouble with the oil effect. it was meant to be a full star with oil and flames in the back but it didnt work out like that.
Whoa thats pretty cool, the star or whatever is behind him seems really strong due to the fact that it brings all that bright color into chief lol. What map is this on?
I love the orange spartan! And the light is nice and looks like a star a bit .. But it could have looked more star shape in background .. Nice try and it looks nice =]
you dont often see an orange spartan, but it works rilly well in this shot, looks as tho the cracks in the sute have like lights inside them. love this shot 5/5
just a word of advice try not to make short messages i got in alot of trouble for that thay class it as spam because it seems like your just bumping the post when your just being kind thats y i got red rep
That's a really neat effect you've got going on there. What color was the Spartan? It seems really red, much more so than you could with the color picker.
Man, that is a brilliant effect. It is really eye-catching. Also, the colours that you have used (orange and yellow) work really well together. Fantastic! I've never seen something like this before!
wow i like that alot - maybe i could learn how to do that - but i dont know if myne are better..... well anyway you have some amazing skill there and i dont know if that is on halo or on an editing program but it is good - verry good 9.8/10 these are myne