hey guys i usually use gimp but i decided to try photoshop for once and this is the resukt. dont laugh because this is my very first sig with photoshop! and i would have added a border but i couldnt figure out how to in photoshop.
i thinks it looks goo but i would have made the stormtrooper a little more contrasted from the background slightty.
it was all one stock i just added a c4d, added a shitload of effects and played around with soft light and ****.
lol...well u could use the color replacement tool to chane the troops color. (also on a side note tell terrax it wont let me log in on the site and to change my password if he can)
Don't listen to legacy You want to blend your render.. It looks good.. and grungy... Text is placed badly... and looks bad... lol
i like the way you made it more sparkly but needs more visible editing etc. all i can see that change was the colour and the fractal
i also sharpened it and did some erasing of effects in certain areas to make the storm trooper stand out a bit more but not so much that it didnt blend
Stock= Low Quality and quite small. I suggest getting a bigger image that is of high quality. This is the first thing you should look for in an image. Usually if the image is of bad quality, the signature turns out the same (no offense). It's also good to have a bigger image in case you decide to re-size it, that way when it's smaller, it will still have good quality.
thanks for your advice. i cant find good stocks anywhere, i tried deviant art. maybe im just not searching for the right thing
I usually look on Deviant Art but then I go to photobucket.com. I've found a bunch of stocks from there.