Star Wars ships

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Glasgow, May 25, 2009.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I just watched Star Wars: Episode 3 on MTV a couple hours ago. Inspired, I began my little "story mode" in which I create a story out of something I watched. I have the mind of an author, but I procrastinate a lot and never get any of my stories finished. Whatever. Anyways, I thought of Halo 3, then shortly after Forge, and I thought, why not make some ships out of Star Wars! I suck at Forge so I thought you guys can make the ships if you want. Do it on Sandbox or Avalanche because the ones in Foundry succkkk aren't that very good. I will also be attempting it as well, so let's compare our work after we're done, shall we? There are some particular ships I'd like for you to build, and I will build these as well. You can build any ship from Star Wars, though.

    Here is what I will be making

    and here is another cool one

    I want to make the gunship really accurate, so that when a spartan stands by the doorway, he is just a little taller than the clones.
  2. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    On the second one, A Spartan would appear as a small dot.

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