STAR WARS Gametypes...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BoBwUzHeRe1138, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    Okay...I highly doubt I'm the only one but ever since the first Halo, I've made STAR WARS gametypes in the games. The first game's options consisted solely of Ghosts and Covie weapons but with each installment, the options grew and grew to make more SW-like game modes. I'm going to make a few SW gametypes for Halo 4 using 3 game modes along with a slew of maps to play on (most of them may not be much different save for a few things)

    So anyway...The main game mode is Star Wars Battlefront which I'm setting up to be more or less like the Battlefront games. You don't get points for capturing, fortifying, OR resupplying bases. You can win by putting the other team into Last Stand and killing off "their reinforcements" (in other words, killing them in Last Stand) or if you have the majority of the bases when the time elapses.

    The other two game modes will be for maps that don't allow Dominion (Abandon for example) and they will be: Star Wars (Slayer variant), and Star Wars CTF (...CTF obviously)

    The Game will feature it's own loadouts and I'm trying to make them like Battlefront classes/SW characters but I want to make them all play uniquely but also not be too overpowered or unbalanced which is probably the hardest thing to do...

    Right now the classes consist of a Trooper class, a Scout class, a Bounty Hunter class, a Vanguard class, and an Engineer class.

    The Trooper
    - Storm Rifle (Stormtrooper haha...but also it's energy based, automatic, and yeah)
    - DMR (to allow for longer range combat if need be and because it looks closer to an actual Stormtrooper blaster)
    - 2x Frag
    - Thruster Pack (should another class have this? If so, which one?)
    - Grenadier Tact Pack
    - Ammo Support Upgrade

    The Scout
    - Binary Rifle (it's an energy based sniper weapon AND the disintegration effect is VERY similar to a sniper rifle that was in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast)
    - Boltshot (should I give him something different here?)
    - 1x Plasma
    - Autosentry (If you recall in Battlefront, the Scouts/snipers had a controllable drone so I figured the Autosentry was the closest thing to that)
    - Mobility Tact Pack (I figured so that he can sprint easily to sniping spots but should I make him slower?)
    - Awareness Support Upgrade (Since he's a sniper he'll need that Motion Sensor displayed while zoomed)

    The Bounty Hunter (this class might be a little OP but I'm not sure...)
    - LightRifle
    - Sticky Detonator (to mimic the wrist rockets that Boba Fett and Jango Fett have access to)
    - INo grenades (I figured giving him grenades AND the Detonator might be a bit much...what do you think?)
    - Jetpack
    - Shielding Tact Pack
    - Should I give him Sensor (since he's a Bounty Hunter, he's good at tracking people) or Dexterity (so he can reload quicker)

    The Vanguard
    - Incineration Cannon (should I give him the Fuel Rod Cannon instead or...)
    - Magnum
    - 2x Plasma
    - Hardlight Shield (idk what AA to give him)
    - Grenadier Tact Pack
    - Explosives Support Upgrade

    The Engineer
    - Scattershot
    - Plasma Pistol (If you recall, the Engineers in Battlefront II had fusion cutters which disabled enemy vehicles or repaired friendly vehicles so the Plas Pistol was the logical choice to allow him to disable enemy vehicles)
    - 2x Pulse (do the Pulse Grenades have an EMP effect at all? I think I read somewhere they did but I'm not sure)
    - Regen Field (The Engineer also could give out health packs to friendlies so this was the obvious choice)
    - AA Efficiency Tact Pack (so he can heal people more often)
    - Should I give him Awareness or Dexterity?

    You cannot pick up weapons (meaning all types of Ordinance are basically useless) so as to keep each class unique. Vehicles will of course be on larger maps

    Banshees - The go-to Starfighter for both sides that will represent X-Wings, Snowspeeders, TIE Fighters, etc. depending on what side you're representing.
    The Scorpion - Will basically be this vehicle from Battlefront as the two are very similar looking albeit the Scorpion is a lot less maneuverable [​IMG]
    The Mantis - Will of course represent the AT-ST or other similar walkers in the SW universe/games.
    Ghosts - Represent Speederbikes
    Wraiths - Another type of SW-like tank

    I wasn't sure if I should have a Gauss Hog or something as well as a light, fast multi-person vehicle but I'm not sure haha

    So what do you guys think?
    #1 BoBwUzHeRe1138, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013

    XGHOSTOFW4RX Promethean

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    I like the idea, I've always loved the Star Wars implemented game-types in the Halo universe, and so far, it looks like you've definitely got it down.

    (Also? Would there be any way to implement the hero system as well? I don't think I've ever seen an ability like that, but it could be possible right? Maybe an over-shield pickup or something.)
  3. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    Thanks man! Yeah, I love SW and Halo so naturally... haha

    I would really love the Hero system implemented and I realized that I guess I could activate Personal Ordnance and despite not being able to pick up weapons, I could make it so that the drop is an Overshield or Speed Boost or Damage Boost and those you should still be able to pick up I would think...

    Weapon drops would be out of the question though haha

    I really wish we could make more than 5 classes and be able to alter player traits for each class...I'd love to make a Jedi Class where they run faster, jump higher, AND have overshields but have nothing but the energy sword (lightsaber)
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Kudos for mentioning Jedi Knight :D

    Sounds like these would be a lot of fun. good luck.

    BTW, I've published one level and working on another remake of fan levels from the original Jedi Knight...

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