Star Adder This is a remake of the Assault-class Star Adder mech from the old Xbox game Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf. This remake will have an armored Hornet as the cockpit, and it's huge. I'm going to show you a teaser screenshot of it, but only from the waist down. So pull your hair out and get mad because you don't know what the upper section looks like. This map will be released as an aesthetic sometime in the next month, in the interlude between my Crystal Cave and Gravemind remake. Keep your eyes out!
Damn that looks SHEKSIIIII. Damn your teaserness :L cant wait for it. Possible MechAssualt map pack? Just an idea
Please keep up the comments, guys, I want people to give suggestions to the map, so it's not just a giant mech on an empty Sandbox.
And V, but not IV. The Star Adder/Blood Asp looks nothing like an AT-ST from the waist up, just the legs. Anyways, I used to love Mechassault (2). This looks pretty sweet so far. Try adding FX to improve the look, also I remember the Star Adder having a flamethrower, maybe you could incorporate that somehow? Can't think of anything else, keep up the good work! I remember building some of the mechs out of lego, this should be even cooler.