Lately i've been getting irritated at the number of Lasers on Standoff Heavy, it sort of ruined the whole point of having a map with lots of vehicles on, so I decided to make my own version of it. To be fair, it didn't take that long, although i've completely used-up the maps budget. Both bases. The inside of the bases is the same as the default version of Standoff. Vehicles include: Gauss Hog (2 Minute Respawn), LAAG Hog (1 Minute Respawn), Wraith (1 Minute Respawn), and a Chopper (1 Minute Respawn). The bases have the default number of Mongeese as well. The Shotgun outside of each base has no extra clips of ammunition. As-of Update #2, the shield doors have been removed. Each base also has a Sniper on the top. Comes with 1 spare clip of ammunition, 2 minute respawn time. Middle of the map. The teleporter leads to here: The "Laser Cage". I figured that to put an emphasis on vehicle-based combat, the Laser should be difficult to get to. Attempting to fire the Laser out of this cage will result in death. The cage is too high for anyone to jump on top of it, and a Banshee wouldn't be able to fly to the top of it either (Top is outside of map boundries). Just a shot of one of the Wraiths on the map. To prevent the user from accidentally killing themselves, I placed a Shield Door near the gate to prevent vehicles from driving in to the gate (a glitch causes the people in the vehicle to die). First time i've ever really submitted a map to Forge Hub (Heck, I only joined yesterday). I'm not really a Forge 'Pro' or anything. Constructive Criticism is appreciated too. I was going to put Banshees on here, but I wasn't so sure, so i've left them out for now, plus, i've used-up the budget, so I don't know if I can anyway. You can download the map here. Edit #1: If anyone wants to playtest this in a custom game with me, my Gamertag is Pokeh. Edit: #2: I thank my friend, Acuzio, for helping me with various problems that I have encountered. Update #1: The following fixes have been applied: - Shield Doors placed in the Laser Cage - trying to Laser out of the cage results in a suicide, making it an undesirable move to make. - Shield Doors placed behind the Base with the gate on - The Wraith "bounces" off of the gate - making it pretty much impossible for you to drive back in to it to kill you. - This will probably be pretty "controversial", but I placed Shield Doors on the entrance of the two bases. The idea for this is so that vehicle fire can't spawn kill people inside of the base. Might remove these though, depends on peoples opinions here. Update #2: - Shield Doors that were introduced in Update #2 have been removed.
do you mean 4, 1 minute LAAG hog or 1, 41 minute LAAG hog? either way im glad that you took a problem into initiative but there are many maps like this here on FH. also you may want to make some kind of structure around the teleporter because just a tele with some fusion coils looks really sloppy and bland 3/5 for v2 i would delete some unneeded objects and create some kind of building where i said.
Sorry, that was a typo. The LAAG Hogs have a 1 Minute respawn timer each. I would make a structure, but i'm by no means an expert with Forge, i'll have a go though.
"Not sure if lasers can fire through the cage" Probably should have tested that one. But yeah, this map looks quite good, a better substitute for the current Standoff Heavy. Although I think Beam Rifles should be n top of the bases with 2 minutes respawns, not Sniper Rifles. Also, the barricades near the gate are there for a reason. If you drive a Warthog or similar into the gate on Standoff for a few seconds, everyone in the vehicle dies. Make sure the Wraith drivers aren't stupid before you let them in Blue Team's Wraith (or Red Team's Wraith for that matter. Either way, reversing is fatal). I'm impressed at this map, I would have expected you to have put more lasers in the map ^^
so, is there any way of like.. just putting the laser in the center or something, instead of people having a mad rush for the dumb teleporter... Have you tested this map at all anyway?
Holy crap, I just tested that Gate thing, will sort that out asap. Also, yes, the Laser shoots through the cage, i'll have to sort this out. Hmm. I wanted to put a focus on vehicle-based combat, rather than Laser-based combat. However, given that the Laser shoots through the cage, I might just put it in the middle.
Thanks for taking all of those spartan lasers out. I agree with you, it was very annoying when you get into a warthog and all of a sudden your dead and it said some guy lasered you. I definitely will be downloading and testing this out. Should be fun. For now I rate it 4/5
Thanks. I just decided that enough was enough, so I went for it. Also, the map has been updated, check the first post. Somebody said something about adding a structure in the middle, but while making it I was kind of thinking "What kind of structure?" A friend of mine simply put some Barricades there, but i'm guessing that some people were expecting something more elaborate than that.
Wow I wouldn't of guessed this was a first post. It's great, though not that original. But moving the spartan into the box was a smart move. I'd never heard of the glitch where you die when you ram into the gate though, but know I know! Oh and the shield doors in the doorways to the bases would make camping with a shotgun really easy, and I dont think many people would spawn kill in the bases unless you put the respawns only in there. So 4/5 for me.
you can camp with the shotgum even if the shildes arnt there so it doesnt realy matter as for the map im glad you did this because i get sick of the plazers and a snipper is great!
I like the arrangement. Also, the Laser idea is smart, too. Did you put the respawn of the Laser in your post? I didn't see it. Otherwise, this is a great setup of Standoff and I would like to see this in Social Big Team. Good work. 4.5 out of 5 stars p.s. I ♥ ur sig