S t a g n a n t Nothing has the teeth of time done to Forerunner steel that now echo the sound of battle once again. 2-8 players Symmetrical to a fault, Stagnant is a vicious battleground of long sight-lines and quick getaways. A bit hectic for 4 v 4 but no more so then "atom" or "cliffhanger". No gimmicks here although I do have a few lockout-esque ledges for some purdy' assassinations. It's very flat on it's elevated main ring, relaxing DMR enthusiasts. But, don't get to comfy assist-masters ~ the Jetpack is exceedingly useful here. The hammer (located at the lowest point) has been known to be very proficient in the art of death around the corners of the side rooms. Don't stay to long though, as the grenade launcher (located at the highest point) will upend your hammer spree dreams with the greatest of ease. The spikers can be the most deadly tool on the map though with their ungodly anti-shield capabilities. pair them up with the numerous headshot capable weapons on the map and you have yourself a very refined, civilized and lethal "noob" combo. Recommended Loadout: Anything with sprint and a pistol. History: Began life as a forlorn Counter-Strike 1.6 deathmatch map in the name of fy_murky. Until the Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack with it's Foundry map let it began life anew in a much better deathmatch setting. Ascetically, it was garbage. Very bumpy and Very cramped. Again it faded into obscurity due to the immense number of community maps being released at the time. Sandbox was released and I had a much larger space to work with. The stagnant I made there I think is still much better than this version. Probably due only to the lighting and atmosphere of sandbox. That version's elements were better tested but again, it's ascetics kept it far from the upper echelon of maps created by the likes of you guys. And so the story goes...
you should add more screenshots so people know what there downloading. also make sure people know what the screenshot is of.