Hey guys,this is a thread for the staff.Just to show them our thanks and to show your creativity area in us. Wait,What? Anyway here's mine.For you Tetha <--- Theta [--->Correction Made<---] Its amateur work but its just an example so yeah. put who you picked in the comments Make it up.
Not a terrible idea but it's going to be hard to get people to make sigs for others without their request. Just sayin'
I'd love to see what could be made for me. Only requirement is it must be the exact same size as my current signature. (455px × 135px)
Honestly, for Bloo I would just paste his face on a computer screen. Actually, I think I'm going to have someone make that for me. lol
You actually did, on the right side. But yea, as ER1C0 said, this will be difficult to keep going.. And you forgot journalists in your poll
Bloo, I'm making one for you, I'll have it done in a little bit. EDIT: got it done, did one that could be used as an avatar also.
Oh thats really nice actually. I just gotta find me a new image rotator and I'll throw that in there.
Oki doki, I'll get to work on it, I'll have to think of some ideas first though. EDIT: I should have it done tomorrow, I'll edit this post again when I am done.
Oki doki, well I fixed up Jay's sig to fit his new colors, and I also finished Redneck's, not sure if you'll like it though. If you don't just let me know. Btw, nice spice and wolf sig you've got there Kidbomber
Hes probably using a version of photoshop or GIMP. If you aren't using one of those, I would recommend using them. Photoshop is obviously the well known one, however it is expensive, and many people do not want to have to pay for it. GIMP is about equally as good, but is free, though it is not baseline software that you would be taught to use in a graphic design course. Most of what makes what he did look good is practice; keep working at it, and keep trying. As a few quick things to help you as a start; post your work here for review, people can give feedback, and dont be discouraged if they dont like it, just take the feedback and try to improve. Also, when doing text, make it readable. If it is not something you can read at first glance it is probably not the font you want. Oh and work at high resolution, 72 ppi or higher (I work at 300ppi) (pixels per inch). I notice your sigs have fairly low resolution, so both keep your ppi high, and use stocks that are big, never scale anything up, only scale down,
I use Photoshop CS5 and a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet. If anyone else wants one (from me), just pm me or something, I don't want to hijack the thread.