Staff Recruitment Drive

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlexVan123, Jun 2, 2016.

By AlexVan123 on Jun 2, 2016 at 2:22 PM
  1. AlexVan123

    AlexVan123 Halo Customs

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    Staff Recruitment.png

    Hey ForgeHub!
    Are you a creative, honest, and generally awesome person? Do you possess writing skills? Do you want to help make this site better for the good of the users?
    Then WE WANT YOU!
    We are in need of some good creative writers that can help us to do what we've been doing, but better and more efficiently. This will involve writing at least 1 article a week, as necessary. However, we do have a few guidelines:
    • Must be 16+
    • Must possess a Skype account and a Discord account
    • Great writing skills (please give us some examples)
    • Positive and Honest attitude
    • Ability to create 1 (one) article a week
    If you meet these criteria and are interested in helping to run ForgeHub, then please message either a Chunk or Warholic with examples of your writing skill and we'll get back to you ASAP.
    Alternatively, we are in search of YouTubers that can help us out with our map features and gameplay videos. We aren't in as much of a search for them, but we could still use them. If you possess those skills, then again please message a Chunk or Warholic.
    That about does it for today, but be looking forward to more and more awesome stuff in the future!
    #1 AlexVan123, Jun 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlexVan123, Jun 2, 2016.

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    1. xXSB101Xx
      We needz them dank writerz
    2. Chronmeister
      This doesn't count Alex. You have to write a real article.;)
    3. Aschur
      Do the examples need to be pre-existing or may we create a piece as an example specifically for this? And if so, is there anything in particular that you guys would like to see as the topic?
      a Chunk and Doctor Squishy like this.
    4. Doctor Squishy
      Doctor Squishy
      Maybe do a topic on speculating on what they might add to Halo 5 Forge on PC.
    5. xXSB101Xx
      Absolutely nothing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    6. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      By all means. It doesn't need to be pre-existing. It doesn't even necessarily need to be directly related to Halo. We just want to get a good sense of how people write.
      WAR likes this.
    7. Aschur
      Thanks, I'll try and put together some stuff over the weekend so that you can have more than one piece as an example.
      a Chunk likes this.
    8. Agent Zero85
    9. AlexVan123
      As long as you can provide us at least 2 examples, then you'll be fine, regardless of whether they exist or not.

      I plan to start on Monday with actual articles. This is the best i could do trying to establish a schedule to organize stuff.
      Chronmeister likes this.
    10. qrrby
      Any time frame you need to work with? I'm looking into getting internet again (as I just moved) but I have no exact date I could give you other than within a month or two. Maybe using a friends house to connect as collateral would work? My only temporary limitation is connecting via Skype/discord.
    11. AlexVan123
      I think we'll probably be done collecting applications within a month, however depending on the number of submissions we get, this may be extended.
      qrrby likes this.
    12. AnonomissX
      I'm a busy girl, but I could tap in to pinch hit?

      Also, I have good editorial skills, I have a lot of unofficial experience with polishing up / tightening / keeping appropriate / giving extra sparkle to other peoples letters, reports, stories, resumes, etc.
      WAR and a Chunk like this.
    13. AlexVan123
      I'm not sure whether we need an editor, however it'd be nice to have one. I'll contact the elders.
    14. AnonomissX
      More likely a collaborator who helps edit. Sometimes writing is like trying to cut your own hair. Another pair of eyes when you are trying to get it down right, brief, evocative and even funny can really help.
    15. Dunco
      i graphic design real good
      WAR and a Chunk like this.
    16. AlexVan123
      Would you start a private message with me and submit an "application"?
      AnonomissX likes this.
    17. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      We're primarily in need of writers right now, but if you have a different skill set that you think may be of value to the site/staff you can certainly submit an application with examples of the type of work you'd be contributing.
    18. qrrby

      Found out I was way behind in app tech and dl'd both Skype and discord sooooooo :)
      a Chunk likes this.
    19. AlexVan123
      Hey, would you send me a private message with some example pieces of art that you've made?
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